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Six months ago I would have never guessed that I would be where I am now. Six months ago I had a normal life. Most everyone in the world did, but now all that is different. The whole world has been taken over by vampires. Ha vampires- I scuff every time I hear or think of that word. What they should be called is disgusting blood sucking demons.

These suckers killed off half the population of the world, leaving the rest in storage. The storage keeps humans locked up in jail cells until the blood supply is short. When there's a shortage of blood they take humans from storage and bring them to the drainers.

The drainers is a place I can only imagine worse than hell. They sit you in these rooms where they hook you up to tubes, slowly draining all of the blood in your body into blood bags until your all leaked out and dead. Its evil really. They don't even put you out of your misery before doing so.

Then all this blood that they gain from us humans gets sent out to the blood markets where "civil vampires" buy it for themselves. Civil vampires practically live like humans. They stay in houses and work to get blood. I wonder everyday why these leeches couldn't just share the world with humans instead off feeding off us, but I guess they're obsessed with it. They love it more than Americans' loved fast food. Apparently it makes even the smallest and weakest vampires feel more strong and powerful.

I can't tell you how many vampires there are in the world, but I can tell you there are more than humans now. Six months ago there was only a couple thousand, but these blood suckers can get 'pregnant' just like humans. What's even crazier is it only takes one month for the fetus to develop, so who knows how many there are now.

The sucky part about these vampires is that they are smart and will never run out of humans. You see, there is this one place where they keep a small portion of us. It is a place where the upper class vampires live, which I guess is like their "government". Nobody knows where it is though. Only the vampires that live there do. Anyways, they have people they keep in the house and they suck off of them as they please and treat them as slaves. The thing is, they only keep super healthy humans. I guess when all humans were captured they went through this testing to see if they were worth keeping in the house. I heard they make woman get pregnant by the men enable for them to have babies, so that humans never go "extinct".

I can't say that all of humans have been captured because that would mean that I was. But I have not yet been taken. I have been living secretly with my sister, Esmay, disguising ourselves as civil vampires. You see, all vampires have red eyes. That's how you can tell if someone is human or a blood sucker.

Vampires have there own set of colored eyes, but they keep the color hidden behind their red irises. Apparently, when they have red eyes it means that they are always ready to feed, but when their guard is down their eyes go normal. The civil vampires are forced to keep there eyes red at all times, so they aren't mistaken for humans. So, to keep vampires fooled my sister and I wear a pair of red contacts when we go out of our small shack we call "home".

I remember the first night the vampires took over. I was woken up from my dad shaking me. He told me what was going on. I was so confused, but he pushed me into this small closet with Esmay. He told us to stay quiet while we hid under a blanket. He told me that he would be back in a minute, but being seventeen at the time I knew better. I could hear my mom crying and my dad yelling that there was no one else in the house, before being left in silence by the slamming of the front door.

Two weeks later after my sister and I realized my parents weren't coming back we left our house to this "safe zone" they secretly had for humans. There was only about fifty people there. The rest were either hiding on their own or already captured.

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