Volume 1: Chapter 4 Part 1

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Part 1

Kiyotaka had eaten lunch with Kei and the rest of the KiyoKei group. While he himself just acted normal, the girls had been slightly on edge. Even though they were sure that Horikita and, to a similar extent even though they knew he wouldn't do much, Kiyotaka would get them through the exam no problem, that didn't stop them from feeling a little afraid of what would likely happen over the next couple of hours.

But there was nothing they could do about it. Soon, the time for the special exam to start arrived and the KiyoKei group entered the classroom 5 minutes before it would start to see both Chabashira at the front of the classroom already and another adult at the back of the room. Kiyotaka noted that this extra adult was probably an invigilator who was going to enforce the strict rules for this exam.

"You're early. Find your seats and sit down. You will all be in different spots today for the exam. Your seat will have your name on it," Chabashira gave the group a nod and spoke to them.

The group split as they tried to find their own seats. Interestingly enough, Kiyotaka's seat appeared to be at the very back of the class, near the window. This was the seat that he had sat in for the whole of his first year. He didn't know if it was a coincidence or not that this was his seat for the special exam.

The other students had been spread across the classroom in random seats, though Satou happened to have a seat directly next to him, the seat that was once taken by Horikita in their first year.

"Hey, hey, hey... if we clear it in an hour or two, let's go to the Keyaki Mall."

"Yeah, I'd love to, but I'm pretty sure I have to study in the dorm. So can we go in the evening?"

As more students entered the classroom and traversed their way to their allocated seats, some decided to pick up conversations for the last 2 minutes. Ike and Shinohara, who were now currently known as Class B's second famous couple, were one of the loudest as they discussed their plans for after school activities.

Looking from the outside, it appeared that the students of Class B were not that concerned about the exam. But the fact was that every student was. It was a special exam after all. The students were doing their best to focus on the positives before the difficulty of the exam would change that.

But soon, the clock reached the end of lunch time and the start of lessons, or in this case the special exam. Seeing that, the invigilator gave a glance to Chabashira and beckoned her to begin.

"Well... It's about time."

Reluctantly, Chabashira stood up and clapped her hands to grab the attention of every student in the class.

"We will now begin the special exam. Since the exam will be quite long, we will have up to four-bathroom breaks. We can only take a break once we make an unanimous decision and get some time before moving onto the next question. There will be no time in the middle of questions to take a break. Each break is a maximum of 10 minutes, but the test time continues to be counted. It will be important to skip breaks if you deem them unnecessary."

Luckily for Class B, those that needed the toilet had already gone and those who hadn't didn't require it so far. For now, it appeared that there would be no problems for a while. As long as there wasn't anyone who would have stomach aches or other unexpected health problems, they would be fine.

Now it was time for the special exam to begin.

At least that was the plan, but Chabashira just stood there and stared at the Class B students absentmindedly. At first, they didn't pay too much mind to it. It was normal for teachers to watch their students for a short time to ensure they were okay and paying attention. But then they started to look at each other, noticing something was off. The invigilator at the back of the classroom also seemed to have noticed something strange.

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