4. Flashbacks

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You still hear them arguing over and over in your head. you only head downstairs when you think they've left. but to your surprise Chris is silently sitting on the couch while Natalie is nowhere to be seen. "did you hear?" he asks you, not even looking at you. "a little" you say honestly as you sit next to him on the couch. "did Lily hear?" he asks now worry in his eyes as he looks at you. "no she is fast asleep" you say and he sighs in relieve. "I know it isn't my place but....are you okay?" you don't know why you asked, but he looks at you like no one ever asks if he is. "I will be, Natalie and I are going to a bit of a rough patch" he says looking down. "I'm sorry" you say to him. "it's just" he says but then stops, almost doubting to tell you. "it's just what?" you ask, he looks at you with a sad look in his eyes. "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. again it's not my place. I just want to help, so if you wanna talk....I'm here" you tell him. he nods but says nothing for a while.

"thank you" he says after a moment of silence. "for what?" you ask him. "for today, it's been a while I've seen Lily this happy" he says, which made you feel warm inside but at the same time broke your heart a little, how was she before then? and why? "you have an amazing kid" you tell him, meaning every word. "but..." you say doubting if you should tell him about the whole theater thing. "but what?" he asks. you think for a moment, and then you say "but you shouldn't have to ask to do things, when it's your daughter. like don't ask me if you could pick her up from school, don't ask me if you could take her to bed. just do it. you are her dad, she loves you, of course you can do all these things. if I'm being completely honest, maybe you and Mrs. Moore should do it a little more often" you say looking down as you say the last part, immediate regretting you've said it. "you're right" he says "it's just, sometimes I feel like a burden, you know, i basically get looks everywhere i go. I need to watch out for people who take pictures. and i hate..... i hate it when i have to say Lily is my niece. I want to scream it from the rooftops that i have a the most amazing daughter in the world. especially when they ask me in interview when I'm gonna have kids. I want to scream at them that i already have the most amazing kid in the world" he says sounding defeated. "then why don't you?" you ask him. "because i promised Natalie i wouldn't" he says. "why?" you ask confused, seeing how much it affected him. "because it's safer for them. if they knew they would take pictures of her everywhere she'd go. i just.....i just want her to be safe, and if this is the only way then....then it be that way" he says.

"you're an amazing dad, you know that right?" you tell him. you see him sigh deeply before he says "well no, no one ever tells me that. but thank you, it means a lot" he says. and you swear you see his eyes get teary. "wanna watch a movie, I can use a distraction" he says. "yeah sure" you tell him. "any good movies you want to see?" he asks. "hmm.... what about 'not another teen movie?" you say smiling widely at him. "noooo" he says laughing while putting his hands in from of his face like he's hiding. "you've seen that one?" he asks, dreading the answer. "yep, really good movie, the cherries where e bit much tho" you say full on laughing now. and he stars laughing now too. 


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