6. Just tired

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the next morning you're home alone with Lily. it was a Sunday so she had the whole day off. you were busy cleaning the table, walls and other furniture Lily had colored with markers, when she came downstairs. she looks at you with guilt in her eyes "I'm sorry" she says softly. you walk up to her and lift her up, hugging her. "it's okay" you say. to be honest maybe you needed this hug more than she did. when you put her down you asked her "why did you do it?". "i-i don't know, my mom just makes me mad sometimes" she says softly. "are you gonna help me clean up this mess?" you ask her. she doesn't answer. "if you do we can go out for lunch when everything is cleaned okay?" you ask her. she walk up to you and you hand her the sponge and she starts cleaning the marker stripes. "i'm sorry" she says again. "you shouldn't say that to me" you say softly to her, Natalie and Chris' yelling still stuck in your head. "i know" she says softly.

after you 2 cleaned up you went out for lunch, you needed to get out of this house. you sit down and eat lunch with Lily when you hear a familiar voice come up to you. "hey" you hear Alex say. you turn around and smile at him "hey Alex" you say smiling softly to him. he looked a bit worried to you. "is everything okay?" he asked, clearly spotting the dark circles under your eyes. "yeah i'm fine, hadn't had much sleep toning that's all" you say forcing a bigger smile. "is he your date from last night?" Lily asks, god she really knows fucking everything. "and you must be the amazing kid y/n was talking about" Alex says to her "I'm Alex" he says shaking her hand. "Lily" she says, you see she wants to say something but her eyes go to Alex tattoo's. "you like them?" he asks her, seeing her stare. "is that a naked lady" she says. Alex and you burst out laughing, of course that's the first thing she sees. "well yes it is" he says. "I like this one" she says pointing to a tattoo of a broken heart on his arm. "oh that one is one of my favorites too" he says. "what does it mean?" Lily asks him "my dad has tattoo's too, but he says they need to have a meaning". "oh well, it's actually a long story but I disagree with your dad, not all tattoo's should have a meaning. if you like a flying pig on your arm, I say get a flying pig on your arm" he says making her smile.

"do you have tattoo's?" Lily asks you. "yes i have one" you tell her. "really?" Alex says surprised. you nod and put your shirt up, revealing a dragon tattoo. 

"wow that one is so cool!" Lily almost yells

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"wow that one is so cool!" Lily almost yells. "i agree with her" Alex says. "what does it mean?" Lily asks. "I just thought it was a cool tattoo" you say to her, but in reality you just didn't want to tell her what it means to you, she's too young to understand. "well now i get why tattoo's don't need to have a meaning. I want one like that too" Lily says. "you can get one once you're old enough" you tell her, smiling at her.

after you are done eating you say goodbye to Alex and head home. you are tired and decide to watch a movie with Lily. she chooses a Disney movie. you made some popcorn and look at the girl next to you, how could she be so sweet with you and then do the things she did yesterday with her parents. was it just for attention, did she rather have them pay attention to her in a negative way then not at all. it would explain the tantrums, they keep talking about, that you really haven't seen yet. well at least not in such a big way.

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