10. Let me take care of you

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your pov

when you lay in bed you just can't help but think back about the look in his eyes. was he really gonna kiss you, why the fuck did you stop him. you had a crush on him for like, forever. yet you still told him to stop as he was going to kiss you. he was going to kiss you right? or did you interpret everything wrong, what the fuck did just happen.

Chris' pov

you woke up the next morning and eat breakfast with your daughter. "are you okay dad?" she asks, like she could read you like a book. "yes I am princess" you say smiling softly to her. "you're more silent this morning" she says. "just a bit tired" you tell her. "did y/n stay till late" she asks. her name alone made you feel something inside. "no she didn't sweetheart" you tell her "come on we need to go". after you brought lily to school you get a text from y/n saying she is sick and can't pick Lily up today. you don't know why but you immediately feel like you fucked up yesterday. that's why she calls in sick right? so she doesn't have to see you. the thought spirals in your head the whole ride back home. as you come home you see a familiar car on the driveway.

 you walk inside and are met by your brother Scott. "hey how are you" he says enthusiastically, hugging you. "alright, how are you" you say. "well that doesn't sound good, what's going on" he asks you. you tell Scott about your 'fights' with Natalie. you tell her how y/n reacted and went away. and you told him about what happened between you and y/n yesterday. "and today she called in sick and i can't help but think i fucked it up" you tell your brother. "well.....only one way to find out" he says. "what do you mean?" you ask him. "well go to her and see if she's really sick or not. if not, just talk with her about it. from what you've told me, she will understand" he tells you. "yeah maybe I should just do that, what do you think about Nat?" you ask him. 

"you know I didn't like her from the start Chris" he tells you making you smile a little, you still remember his disappointed face, when you told him you were gonna ask Nat to marry you. "yeah I know" you say. "you know sometimes things don't work out between people anymore, and maybe it's just better to let it go" he says. "yeah but what about Lily, I...i don't know how she will react if I decide me and Nat are over. I just......she just started to behave normally. she didn't had those heavy tantrums anymore since y/n is here" you tell your brother. "you know your kid best. all I'm saying is that you guys arguing can't be good for her eighter" he says. "yeah" you sigh.

later you pick Lily up from school with your brother. "uncle Scott" Lily yells as she runs towards him and hugs him, he's always been her favorite uncle. Nat had a brother too, but you guys didn't see him much. "there is my favorite niece" he says lifting her up. "I'm your only niece" Lily tells him. "that's why your my favorite" he says smiling at her. "where's y/n?" Lily asked you. "she called in sick" you tell her. "is she really or did you scare her away again" she said. "i think she's just sick princess" you tell her, not really believing it yourself. you spend the rest of the day with the 3 of you, but y/n didn't leave your mind. 

Scott left after diner just before you put Lily to bed. "will y/n be better tomorrow?" she asks you. "I don't know sweetheart" you tell her honestly. "I made a drawning for her at school today, I wanted to give it to her" she says, sounding a bit sad. it really still amazes you how good their bond is. "you know what if she isn't better tomorrow I'll go see how she's doing and I can give her your drawing okay?" you tell her. "okay" she says now smiling. "goodnight princess" you say kissing her forehead. "goodnight daddy" she says before you walk out her room.

the next morning you get a text from y/n again, saying she didn't feel better. "is y/n going to pick me up from school today?" Lily asks you as she comes down the stairs. "I'm afraid not sweetheart" you tell her. you see her face turns sad. "where is that drawing you made for her, I'll go check on her after I brought you to school, I can give it to her. maybe she'll get better soon because of it" you tell her. "a drawing isn't a medicine dad" she says. god she's so smart, she grows up so fast. "I know but sometimes when you show you care, it does make you feel better" you tell her. "like a medicine for your heart?" she asks. "yes exactly a medicine for the heart" you say smiling at her.

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