Chapter One: Melbourne?

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y/n's POV:

You swiftly follow her down the stairs, rushing each step. You've been begging your Mom for about an hour now - Nothing has changed though.

y/n: Cmon... I need some sort of work experience, or internship! Please Mom! It's only for a year – I'll have some sort of student accommodation, I'll have food, I'll have a connection to call you! It will all be fine!

Mom: YES! And I understand that y/n... But if you think I'll let you go all the way across the world to Melbourne... Are you crazy!

y/n: How am I the crazy one? I'm not the one getting into an F1 car every week? That's crazy!

Mom: Stop. Don't bring Charles and Arthur into this. You're not going. End of discussion.

You let yourself fall onto the couch. She walks back into the kitchen and then out onto the balcony. You can't help but feel upset... This isn't so different from going off to university, like you did for three years for your bachelors in International Relations, and this certainly isn't as crazy as your brothers getting into Formula One cars every week... You simply want a chance to write about things, be more like a journalist even, you don't exactly know what you want to do in the future yet, but for this specific masters you need to gain more experience in writing and working with a team.

You unlock your phone and stare at the internship website that's still open on Google; The swirly blue logo at the top of the page turns in circles as you scroll down the site. The opportunity is massive, and you qualify... A swift sigh escapes. You need this internship to elevate your CV... How else will they accept you into the master's programme? You hear your brother's and your Mom's voice from the balcony, followed by footsteps. You push yourself off the couch, before fleeing into your room - You don't want Charles being overprotective too... After all, you're a grown woman; You're 23, you should be able to decide where you go and what you do...

Charles' POV:

Charles: Is everything alright?

She walks past you and towards some of her plants.

Mom: She still wants to go to Melbourne!

Charles: Melbourne?

Mom: Yes, Melbourne! I'm getting sick and tired of having to repeat this god damn name! She can't leave Monaco and go to Australia! She's way too young to be going on her own! Right!?

You watch her as she's fidgeting around with her hands - You have no clue what this is about. You sit upright, stand up and move towards her.

Charles: What's in Melbourne?

Mom: Some internship that she qualifies for... But she would need to leave within a week, and she'd be all alone for an entire year -

She sighs deeply. The worry and concern is written all over her face.

Mom: Char - I can't let her go.

Charles: Why does she even want to go so badly?

You want to understand what this is about.

Mom: It's some writing programme, that allows her to move around Australia and it gives her opportunities to work in different places, with a bunch of people, and to write about all sorts of things, something like that. Y/n says it will improve her CV and increase her chances to get accepted for a masters programme. You know what she's like...

Charles: Yeah...

Her forehead scrunches up, so does yours.

Charles: Would you let her go if it was closer or if she wouldn't be alone?

She nods slowly - Not quite understanding what you're on about. You gesture for her to wait a moment, you dial your manager's number and you start talking. As you're pacing around on the balcony, she doesn't let you out of sight. You agree with your Mom - Y/n, alone, in Melbourne? No freaking way. You won't allow that either, but you also love her, and you know how much this probably means to her... So you'll try to meet them halfway.

*2 minutes later*

Charles: Okay then! Thank you! You won't regret it, she's a hard worker, I promise! Amazing, bye.

Mom: What did you do? Who was that?

Charles: My manager – She won't go to Melbourne, but she'll join me for a season.

Mom: In Formula One? As what Char?

Charles: Something in between an assistant and... Uhm I don't know Mom, okay? But she'll have a job, it's impressive to be part of Ferrari's F1 team; She can put it on her CV, she'll be paid, and she can write all she wants... but most importantly she'll be with me and not alone! I'll keep an eye out for her and she'll be fine.

She hugs you tightly. You have no clue if y/n will accept this solution, or if she will be mad at you for going over her head like this, but nonetheless it will help her career in writing, or whatever she does, and Mom won't have a guilty conscience.

Mom: Thank you my Love

She places her hands on either side of your face and pulls you down to kiss your cheek; Happy Mom, happy life. You tilt your head towards the door and she says you should go talk to her. You nod eagerly. You head inside and start looking for her. All you can think about is if this was the right choice... Damn it.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now