Chapter Forty: Like A Good Girl

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y/n's PoV:

A couple of hours later. Shortly before midnight.

You enter his hotel room again, closing the balcony door behind you. The room is pretty cold, because of the air conditioning - You immediately slip under the sheets to not freeze to death. He's on his laptop, working on something.

You lean your head against his shoulder for a moment; You glance at his screen. It's all emails and appointments. You sigh: There goes your spicy night...

y/n: Do you mind if I turn off the light?

He barely even looks at you - He shakes his head, indicating that it's okay. The warm-coloured nightstand light vanishes, and the room is flooded by his cool-toned laptop light.

You fluff up the pillow, and lay down on your side. You check your phone. Charles messaged you:

Charles: Sorry for the sexist stuff...

Charles: If you want I'll take you for an apology ice-cream tomorrow... Like we used to always get one when we were younger... What do you say?

You sigh - Charles and Arthur used to miss a lot of moments in your life, since they were off at practice, or at races. So they'd always get you an apology ice-cream when they returned, or after they messed up.

Your childhood was composed of a million moments where you were a little invisible or you were forgotten about. To be honest you don't even want to think about it. You stare at his text.

It's not like you're actually mad at him about your conversation - It's the opposite actually, since it helped you get rid of his dumb rule. Sure the sexist comments were sucky nonetheless, but he doesn't know that you know that it was an excuse. He obviously wasn't about to admit that he had agreed to a bet. That, on the other hand, you are still mad about.

You keep your answer quite straightforward:

y/n: Sure

You spend a little longer on your phone, replying to texts, looking through Instagram and working your way through the sixty-two thousand TikTok videos Mary sent you. After a while the cool-toned light vanishes, and you feel him moving closer towards you.

His hand glides around your waist, before it finds his way under the blanket, and into your pyjama pants. You chuckle, before you pull his hand out again.

y/n laughs: Nah Pierre, you can't ignore me for three hours and then try to get into my pants...

Pierre sighs: It really wasn't three hours...

He starts kissing the side of your neck; You pull him on top of you, before you turn on your phone and show him the time.

Pierre scoffs: Okay so it's nearly one.. When did I start working?

y/n sighs: Just before ten... Making it just over three hours...

His lips find their way back to yours.

Pierre softly: Sorry...

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now