Chapter Twenty-Eight: Emma!

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Y/n's PoV:

The sun is shining down on you, warming up your face, finally giving you a truly peaceful moment. You imagined the apologies to go down a lot worse than they actually have.

y/n softly: Hey Charles?

Charles: Hmm?

You glance over at him - He's slid back into his chair.

y/n: I didn't mean what I said about Pierre-

He sits upright, turning your way.

Charles: Are you serious right now?

y/n: I'm sorry- I-

Charles: I was ready to throw a punch at my best mate, because I thought he did something to you.

y/n: Well, we cleared it up that he didn't already-

He nods.

y/n: But I gave the whole thing another thought, and I feel really bad.

Charles: You don't have to take back what you decided, based on guilt, you don't owe my friend anything. If you don't want him around, I respect that; Then I won't let him get close to you. No matter the reason.

y/n: No, no, I know. I'm not telling you out of guilt, I'm saying it because I genuinely messed up. I didn't mean it to come across like that, I was just pissed about the way he had that girl saved in his phone, and I was in shock, because of how you reacted.

Charles sighs: While we are talking about this - Why did it bother you so much? The way he had her saved I mean. Sure you both kept going on about how you don't care, but why did it piss you off?

You shrug - You take a moment, trying to come up with something Charles will understand.

y/n: Emma!

He stares at you, unsure why you just brought up a mutual friend. Emma has lived next door to you for most of your lives, and Charles and her are pretty good friends. It never turned romantic; A purely platonic relationship.

Charles: What does she have to do with this?

y/n chuckles: Well, this is a little far fetched, but I'm tryna explain to you how it made me feel.

He nods, waiting for you to go on.

y/n: So Emma is your friend, right?

Charles: Yeah, of course.

y/n: Now imagine some guy picks up Emma at the bar - He gets her number, and saves her as "Brunette who's down to fuck".

His face turns sour - To be honest you hate thinking of this as well, since it always makes you second guess Pierre as a whole.

Charles: Can we not-

y/n: That's how I felt. Sure I don't know the girl, but... It's nasty. You don't have to save any woman, or person for that matter, into your phone like that, agreed?

Charles: Yeah, absolutely not. Okay I get it now. I would've been a little bothered by that too.

y/n: But yeah... All in all, I do want to talk to him. Even if he saved some girl by some weird name.

You're still surprised he unfollowed and blocked her simply because it had bothered you.

Charles: And you're sure about that?

y/n softly: Yeah.

Charles nods: Okay... Then, I'll take care of that...

You thank him, before you sit in silence again. You're trying to figure out if there's anything else you still have to touch base on; He beats you to it though.

Charles: And about the whole freedom thing-

y/n: Yeah, I was about to mention it as well.

Charles: Alright, well let me say what I have to say first, and then you can have your go at it.

y/n: Cool.

You appreciate that he's keeping his composure; You know that most of this isn't easy for him to discuss.

Charles: I did what I did with the best, protective, caring reasoning. I did it because I always feel the need to keep you safe - Even if it's just dudes like Lando flirting with you - It doesn't sit right with me, and yeah, I know I'll have to let all of that go some day, because eventually you'll start seeing someone again...

You nod softly.

Charles: But I do promise that I freaked out, yelled and threatened with the best intent. I should've handled it differently, no question, I know that. I just saw red.

y/n: It's fine Char, I get it, but please don't do that again.

Charles nods: I'll do my best.

He sighs, before his forehead scrunches together.

Charles: I genuinely only want the best for you - For your wellbeing, that's why I drive you as much as I can, for your own protection, that's why I freaked out, because I know how crazy some people are, and especially, I want the best guy for you.

This feels slightly awkward to talk about - More like to listen to - He's never talked so candidly to you about this sort of thing. Frankly, you've never really been around each other for more than a couple of days, since he always took off, so you're experiencing a lot of emotions because of it.

Charles: And I need that guy to be good for you, to be caring, all of that stuff. That's also partially why I have the 'No Friends of Mine' rule. Those morons aren't good enough for my sister.

You glance down at the floor; The guilt is back.

y/n softly: Just hypothetically, what would you do if you didn't approve of a guy I liked?

Charles shrugs: I don't know, it depends I guess. Is there someone right now?

You instinctively shake your head - You can't rat Pierre out.

y/n: No there isn't-

Charles: I'd be honest with you - Tell you why he isn't right, and I'd hope you would listen to me, since I'm a little older, a little wiser, and since I'm a guy myself.

You nod softly; Him being so open right now is making you feel super shitty about lying. You refocus on the freedom thing.

y/n: Okay - Well all I have to say about the freedom thing is that I get why you're doing it, I do, but I also need you to have some trust in me. Okay?

Charles: I'll do my best, as I said before, I'll try.

y/n: I need to be allowed to experience and live - Not be yelled at for some hickies. Granted they are ridiculous...

He starts laughing, saying your neck is more purple than it is your own skin colour...

y/n: But yeah, I still need you to let me handle this stuff. I'm no child.

He nods - His expression is serious.

Charles: I know.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz