Chapter Thirty-Six: Advances and Coffee-Runs

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y/n's PoV:

Friday morning. 06:34.

A bit of light finds its way to your face; You open your eyes. Pierre sighs as you shift in his arms.

Pierre groans in French: What time is it?

You love his sleepy voice. You stretch out your hand to the side of your bed, where both your phones are placed. His phone is closer - You tap it.

y/n: An ungodly hour.

He chuckles at your remark.

Pierre sighs: And that would be?

y/n: Six thirty-ish.

Pierre chuckles: Oh God no!

He reels you back into his arms - You close your eyes again. You've started sneaking around more. Sleeping over more. Fucking more. Texting and calling each other more. You've been on two more dates, since you had your first one, and you love all of it. Screw Charles' rule.

You genuinely want him more and more each day.

You also feel a lot less guilty about all of it, since Charles made that bet. The both of you have done a stupid thing now; It's levelled the playing field.

You press a kiss against Pierre's shoulder.

y/n: When do you have to leave?

Pierre: At like nine. What about you?

y/n chuckles: I have to be on track by nine... So I'll leave by seven to get back to my hotel...

Pierre: Fuck... Don't go so soon...

y/n: I have to Baby...

At least Pierre's hotel is only a short walk away from yours. You spend a little more time in bed, cuddled up and giggling around, before you actually leave; You don't want to go. If you do, you'll have to see Charles, you'll probably face Lando and you'll have to act as if you don't know anything about this bet. You kind of figured that George didn't want you to tell anyone, that he told you... So you'll keep your mouth shut.

- - -

You enter the paddock, immediately heading towards Ferrari. You have no time to spare. Georgia, Kim and you have your daily meeting, discussing what needs to be done, and you split up, tag-teaming the heap of work that's facing you.

At twelve Georgia sends you on a coffee run - You work up some anxiety about leaving the safety of your press room, but eventually you just get over it. The hospitality building is on the other side of the paddock... So since Georgia prefers their coffee over the teams', you always get your coffees there to keep her happy. A happy Georgia makes your life easier.

If you see Charles, or Lando, you'll just act as if nothing's wrong. At least you had a few days to process your frustration by now... Are you over it? No. Is it easier to act as if you never knew anything in the first place? Yeah, sort of.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now