Chapter Four: Initial Attraction

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While Charles vanished in the garage and loud engine roars overtook the track, you submerged yourself in a world of press conferences, press releases and fact checking. Charles had been right, he seriously had no clue what exactly he signed you up for, but it was better this way. Instead of being a personal assistant, like he had mentioned, you were being introduced to the inner workings of the people behind the questions, the interviews, the videos and statements; Put simply, you were being immersed in writing, reading and editing.

Char had dropped you off in the make-shift office, which in reality was more a container, rather than an actual building, but you had quickly realised that many aspects of Formula One weren't truthfully that lavish or expensive; Function and practicality were at the top of the list regarding most areas that weren't directly surrounding the car or the driver. Nonetheless though, the container with a few tables, some power cables snaked along the floor and a Ferrari themed calendar on the wall would do the trick.

You had been introduced to some of the people who worked for Ferrari's media and press, and it turned out your help was greatly appreciated from the first moment on. Truthfully you had thought you'd be fetching coffee and copying papers for half the season before they would let you start writing or working on anything independently, but you were wrong- Piles of paper were handed over to you by Georgia, your boss, who had told you to edit them as you saw fit, and for you to then hand them back to Kim, your new co-worker, for the final check.

Georgia was the head of the operation, a rather serious, yet friendly middle-aged woman, who you had estimated to be in her mid to late thirties. She had shoulder-length dark blonde hair, which she twirled around her finger, when ever she was proof reading anything. When the team principle would come into our little container office, she would have the habit of standing up and leaning her slender frame against her desk while talking to him. All in all within the first day of your new job you had realised that she was a workaholic and probably unbeatable at the products she created.

Kim on the other hand was a lot more laid back, a lot younger and very relaxed- Not that it affected her work though. She wrote brilliantly, and you had quickly found out that she had saved Ferrari from one or two scandals already, through connections she had to other teams... By the end of the day she offered to treat you to a coffee, since your first day on a new job came to an end- Of course you accepted.

You follow her through the empty paddock - Every now and then you see someone walking by, but other than that practically everyone had left for their hotels already. You glance at her while she takes a big sip and gestures with her hand.

Kim: Mhhh, so how's Charles privately?

You start laughing slightly... People asking about Char and Arthur has become normal to you - Everyone always wants to know what they're like, if they're seeing anyone and on and on... It's not like you were jealous that no one ever asked about you, but a little attention would be nice from time to time. Usually though, you give a polite answer and change the topic, but you were curious what Kim was on about.

Y/n: I suppose not so much differently than he is in the garage... Why do you ask?

You see the colour rise up to the highest point of her cheeks and she lets out a little she laugh - Then you know exactly what's happening...

Kim: Well... He's just cute you know... Sorry if it's weird, cause he's your brother and everything, but I've been crushing on him since I joined the team... and I never had the chance to really get to know him well...

You chuckle softly - You take a sip of your coffee and glance at a driver in a dark green racing suit making his way past you - Her eyes are wide and attentive.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now