Chapter Fifty-Five: Tell her, Tell her

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Charles' PoV:

You continue pacing up and down your hotel room; You've been restless since she's left - Even more so since she replied to you, saying she'd sleep over at a friend's place. You glance at your watch. It's ten to twelve. Fuck.

You want to get ready for bed to be well rested for tomorrow's race, but your body is alert and you're consumed by guilt; How could you sleep right now? If only you would've listened to Pierre on the jet: He told you not to agree, he told you she'd be mad, and he literally told you that it was going to be a mistake... And you ignored him, simply playing into Lando's moronic bet.

The more you think about your mistakes, the more tightly shut your throat becomes, and the hotter your head feels. Waves of tingling guilt run down your body, washing away any chance of forgetting what you did.

You come to a halt, as your phone vibrates on the other side of the room. You practically lunge at it, hoping it's your little sister. No. It's Lando, you stare at his text.

Lando: How much do I owe you for your vacation?

He continues typing - You call him instead:

Charles: Are you fucking kidding me right now?

Lando: Yo, chill man!? I'm just holding up my end of the deal. She rejected me twice now, I'm giving up. I don't need to continuously embarrass myself.

Charles irritated: I don't care about your embarrassment! Keep your money! I don't want any part in this anymore-

Lando chuckles: Wait what? Why? It's a free vacation-

Charles: She knew about the bet and now she's completely pissed off at me. Again.

Lando chuckles: Oh wow... Damn! So the bet was rigged from the start?

You don't answer.

Lando: Uhm, but who told her? It could've only been you, George, Pierre or me. And I certainly didn't tell her... You didn't either I'm guessing- So... What about Pierre? He was against this from the start; Did he rat you out?

Charles: No, it wasn't him, she told me it wasn't him.

Lando: Are you sure she's not just protecting him, so that you don't get mad at him?

Charles chuckles: No man - She hates him, she wouldn't-

Lando: Didn't quite seem like they hated each other at dinner, but okay, if you say so... Then it must have been George...

What is that supposed to mean? She hates him - Y/n was probably just acting civil towards him.

Charles: Fuck man... I'll talk to him, but you have to go and tell her that it was your idea, and not mine! Please!?

Lando sighs: Yeah, I don't think so Charles, I'm sorry, but I'm not embarrassing myself like that...

He pauses momentarily; You just run your hand along the nape of your neck. Shit.

Lando: Okay, then... Uhm, well, if you don't want the vacation, this is out of my hands now. Good luck Bro...

He hangs up the call. Fucking hell. He's not wrong... It could've only been George. You chuck your phone onto your bed. Why can't he just apologise to y/n, saying he pulled you into this? He won't have to deal with any lasting damages - She's just a random person for all he cares, but you? She's your sister. FUCK!

- - -

The hot shower water runs down your back, as you lean against the wall; Your mind is wrapped up in ways that you could make it right again, or deflect the fault, but you quickly come to realise that there's not much you can do.

You messed up. She asked for more freedom and independence - Instead of giving her that, you rushed into the other side of the protective-brother spectrum, betting her off to Lando. Neither side of the spectrum was good to be honest; On one you went crazy and yelled at her, and on the other you treated her like some piece that you could auction off for a bet.

You increase the temperature of the water. Fuck. Lorenzo and Arthur would've never made this mistake- Frankly, they would slap you if they heard what you did to y/n.

The water trickles down your face. You can't even wrap your own mind around your actions - What got into you, what fucking demon possessed you, for you to do something like that?

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now