Chapter Nine: Rotten

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Charles' PoV:

Charles: Alright, cool... I'll keep it mind for tomorrow then. 

Race strategist: Check this one, and then we'll be done.

He hands you another printed out diagram – You look over it and when you're confident that you don't have any further questions, he packs up his things and leaves. It's nearly eight pm. 


A few minutes later, your sister pops her head into your driver room.

y/n in french: I'm gonna head back to the hotel now!

She vanishes as fast as she appeared; You jump up, and head towards the door. 

Charles: Yo! 

She pauses in her tracks and glances at you. Something happened that triggered her fight or flight instincts; You can see it in her preoccupied eyes and by the way she's trying to take off. This is classic y/n behaviour: Running away when she needs time off. 

Charles: What do you mean you're going back now? I thought I was going to drive you in an hour? Can't you wait a little while longer?

She starts shaking her head, pointing to the exit, saying she wants to leave now and that she'll just walk back to the hotel, since it's not too far. You tell her to come back into your driver's room first. Hesitantly she returns. There's no way you're letting her go on her own, especially not by foot. 

Charles: Not too far? How's it not far? It's a couple of kilometers... 

y/n: It's like two for your info... It will take me like half an hour– It's no big deal.

Charles: Okay, then it's only two, but it's getting dark.

y/n: So what... The sun does eventually set, Char... *She pauses* That's nothing unusual...

Charles: Quit the sarcasm.

y/n: I'm not being that sarcastic... Why are you even so hung up on this? I walk back home all the time!

Charles: Of course you are sarcastic and I'm hung up cause we aren't in Monaco! This isn't home. You don't know the streets... So now stop acting like your twelve, and tell me why you're so keen on taking off. 

She's struggling to come up with a response, so it takes a moment.

y/n: I'm... tired...?

You chuckle.

Charles: Are you tryna convince me or yourself that that's the truth? Cause it clearly isn't – Plus, I saw you chugging down a coffee like three hours ago... You're not tired y/n. 

y/n: Why are you even pressing it? This is none of your business! I simply wanna go back to the hotel.

She stands up to leave.

Charles: Why wouldn't I? This is about your wellbeing

y/n: What?

You stare at your little sister – She's all packed up, ready to go. 

Charles: Dude, you're my little sister, I don't care why, okay? I just don't want you to walk home, in the dark, for thirty minutes, or how ever long it will take, in a foreign place, with a million things that could go wrong, alright!? You're my responsibility right now, and I don't care that you're over 18. You're still young – You're a girl – There are crazy people out there. 

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat