Chapter Thirty-Four: Divine Intervention

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George hesitantly: Uhm... Y/n?

y/n confused: Yes?

George: Can I just ask you something?

You nod - Now you're utterly confused. What would he have to ask you? You've never even properly talked to him, apart from a short "Hey, nice to meet you" chat.

y/n: Sure...

There's a couch positioned across from the elevator; It's perfectly placed in the middle, between both hallways that branch out to the left and the right. He swiftly points at it. The two of you take a seat.

George awkwardly: Say someone were to have talked about you-

You stare at him - This is only getting weirder and weirder.

George quietly: In a kind of...

He thinks for a moment.

George: Shitty way. Would you want to know about it?

He just raised a million questions inside your head.

y/n confused: Are you asking me directly, or is this some hypothetical about someone?

George: I'm asking you - Since it's about you.

Your anxiety isn't at bay right now; Your heart rate increases bit for bit. You swallow down the awkward knot that has formed in the back of your throat.

y/n hesitantly: Uhm, I think, I'd want to know.

He nods.

y/n: Why are you even telling me about this? Wouldn't it be easier for you to just not tell me?

George sighs: It would be a whole lot easier, and I've been debating about just letting it be, but the fact that you got in that elevator just now...

y/n chuckles: Was divine invention on not telling me?

George laughs: Pretty much. Right, I don't want to be the messenger, or gossip, but I felt pretty uneasy about all of it, so... Okay, I'll just tell you, and you just don't shoot the messenger, deal?

Your stomach is a sailor's knot - Tightly intertwined, cutting off any circulation.

y/n quietly: Yeah... Deal.

George sighs: Your brother, Pierre, Lando and me were on the jet, I'm sure you know from your brother that he came with us. And some others were there too, but they weren't really involved in the conversation...

You nod - You put two and two together - Is this what Pierre meant, when he said something was weird about the flight? George better hurry up, cause the longer he waits, and the more he talks around the actual point, painfully extending it, the worse you'll start feeling.

George's PoV:

You really don't want to tell her about this bet, but if she was your sister, and some morons were making a bet about getting her on a date, you'd want her to know, so that she can act accordingly. Even if a date is nothing with malicious intent... But if she's actually into him, their whole relationship will be built on a lie and on deceit.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now