Chapter Sixty-Four: OH WOW

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Charles' PoV:

You fill up the mug a couple of times - After the fourth round you give up, immediately holding your mouth to the stream of water.

You leave the bathroom again, just staring at the two of them. They moved. Now she's facing him; Resting her head on his arm, his hand wrapped around her upper back. Pierre starts shifting a little, before he pulls her towards his body.

It feels wrong watching them like this - Creepy somehow. It's intimate. She's your sister, he's your best mate, and you're watching them cuddle up.

Your head starts feeling warm: What are you witnessing right now?

You take a quick picture of them, to have as proof, before fleeing out onto the balcony. One of the chairs is positioned better than the other one is, so you sit in that one. Your mind starts working on overdrive, trying to figure out why they seemed so comfortable in bed together.

Two people who truly hate each other don't just casually cuddle up to each other in bed.

Sure, they joke around, but they also bicker... Like a lot. They get along fine sometimes, while other times, like last night, she tells him to just shut up. It's still odd to you that she was so comfortable with opening up about her issues to Pierre, resulting in that club invite... Her explanation seemed reasonable, and at first you were excited about her forgiving you, but the more and more you thought about it, the weirder it seemed.

You sigh. You stumbled into something yesterday, that's obvious... But they wouldn't lie to you right? Why would they? They're not a thing and there's nothing to hide... Why does it feel weird though?

Okay... Maybe she was the one who volunteered to go find them at the restaurant, and maybe he seemed surprisingly hesitant with the idea of you taking care of your sister when she was drunk... Instead of him doing it... He also jumped up faster than you could when she called from the bathroom.

Charles whispers: Hold up.

You found them fighting the first night - Completely blindsided by your sudden appearance. Then the thing with text - Why would she even care? They just kept yelling on and on about not caring, even though they clearly do. Then she asked you to take back the limitation of Pierre seeing her... Why the sudden change in heart? On the jet he was extremely jealous... Fuming at the idea of the bet - Then in the car they were acting all nice again - At dinner they were weird - OH. OH WOW.

He was watching her dance floor last night- He was taking care of her- He was brushing off the fact that she wasn't fine... Since he had an eye on her and he was sure she was okay.

She wasn't though.

She listens to him, when she doesn't to you.

He protects her reputation, when she's not in the room.

She knew how far his hotel was...

And now they're holding each other in her bed.

How did you only notice all these little things now? Your chest tightens drastically at the thought of them being together. How the fuck do you even address this?

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα