Chapter Seventy-Six: Weaponising It Against Me

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Charles' PoV:

You start heading towards the car, only to notice that she's not following you. She's standing in front of the building, staring at the paper she's holding.

Charles: Are you coming?

She glances up at you and asks you something, but you don't quite catch what she said. You head her way.

Charles: What did you say?

y/n quietly: Why have you been behaving like this?

Your access to fresh air has been cut off - Her eyes are calm, yet determined - A deep breath relieves you from your burden.

Charles: Why have I been behaving like this?

y/n nods: Yeah.

Charles quietly: I could ask you the same thing y/n.

Something happens behind her eyes.

y/n: I'm trying to make sense of it all - I'm sick and tired of feeling shitty about Us, and about going to work, because I know I'll inevitably have to see you. I don't want to have to look at my boyfriend and feel guilty about it-

The two of you exhale slowly - It feels like a ton of pressure has just fallen on top of the two of you. Of course she decided to start talking to you, when you're on a random street, instead of doing it somewhere more private or peaceful.

It's clear that she's trying to keep her cool; She's doing all she can to come across as level-headed and calm right now, and you truly appreciate it... It's a lot easier to talk to this version of y/n.

Charles sighs: I don't want you to feel shitty y/n, but-

y/n confused: But what?

Charles: But he's my best friend.

She tilts her head back - Allowing herself to have a moment to think, or to breath, or to process what you just said... You don't know which it is.

Charles calmly: Why don't we get into the car, and talk there, hmm?

It might be easier to talk freely there. Y/n looks at the ground, before walking towards your car. The two of you get in, and sit in silence for a couple of minutes.

y/n carefully: How can you say you don't want me to feel shitty, and then follow it up with a "but"?

Charles sighs: I'm not trying to be selfish here - He's my best mate, y/n, a "but" is justified.

y/n: You are acting like that's all he gets to be.

Charles shakes his head: No, he's more than just my friend, of course he's more than that, but I-

y/n: Is this about you not wanting to share him?

Charles sighs: Y/n-

y/n: No, I'm serious. Do you just want him to yourself, or something? I mean I'd get it, I'd also be protective over Mary, but-

Charles: It's not that, and I told you the reasons already.

He's simply not good for her.

y/n: No, I refuse to accept those reasons - If he's such a terrible person, and that's how you keep painting the picture, then why the hell are you friends with him in the first place? Hmm?

Charles sighs: He's not a terrible person, and I'm not trying to make him look like that, but I'm trying to keep you safe. He's older, he has a lot more experience, he's a man-whore-

y/n sighs: Charles, I can keep myself safe-

Charles: I know you can, but at the same time, it's my responsibility to take care of you.

y/n shakes her head: It really isn't-

Charles: Yes, it is y/n.

y/n chuckles: No, it's not.

Charles: Goddamn it, y/n. It is my job. Family takes care of family. Case shut. I'm not discussing this.

y/n: Yeah, no.

Charles: What is it now?

y/n: You say "Family takes care of family", right?

Charles: Yeah?

y/n: And I agree on that, but taking care of someone, isn't the same as having a responsibility for them or beating someone up in the name of their "safety".

She does the finger thing for quotation marks when saying the word "safety".

Charles: I did what I thought had to be done-

y/n: So you had to beat up Pierre? You had to fucking headbutt him, and punch him in the jaw? Huh? Was that really what "had" to be done?

Charles stammers: Uh- I- y/n- I-

y/n annoyed: Look, I get that you're upset that I'm dating your best friend, but as of now you don't even behave like best friends. You haven't talked like friends, you haven't hung out, you haven't done a single friendship-type of thing. I'm not even sure if you guys even qualify as best friends anymore.

You blankly stare at her. Pierre and you have always been best friends, and that will continue to be like that, as soon as this situation is figured out. You're certainly not losing your only sister and your best friend in one go.

Charles sighs: That's none of your business y/n.

y/n scoffs: How isn't that my business, if you keep making it my business?

Charles: Huh?

y/n: You keep saying "He's my best mate" or "He's my best friend", as if I don't know that already, but you said so yourself, this isn't about you being protective of him, or being jealous about him splitting his time - So if this isn't about him, in the role of your best friend, then stop weaponising that title against me. If you don't act like best friends, you aren't right now.

The two of you are turned towards each other, and she's fidgeting around with one of her bracelets.

y/n: And I genuinely hope you'll be friends again, but you can't use his title against me, just because it suits you - You yelled at Pierre, you threatened him in person and via text, you pushed him out of a room, and you fucking hurt him. So please, do him, and me, the favour, and stop weaponising the title of "best friend" against us, because you really haven't been a good friend to him lately.

She exhales softly, before continuing.

y/n: If you claim that you don't mind "sharing" him, then take the whole friendship thing out of the equation. You say that's not why you're opposed to us being together, so stop using it as an argument, if it's completely irrelevant for you.

Of course it's not irrelevant; He's your best friend, and that's what he's supposed to be.

Charles quietly: He's been with me all my life y/n, you couldn't even stand him-

She exclaims an "Aha!".

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now