Chapter Eighty-Eight: A Bacardi A Day, Keeps Your Thoughts Away

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y/n's PoV:

You feel defeated; Where's the point in defending yourself, if it won't do much? If he won't believe you? You give Josi and Louise a little smile, thanking them for their efforts and support, before walking out of the restaurant. Arthur calls your name once or twice, before halting his efforts.

It's simple: You've just entirely given up on your relationship with Charles. Why try?

Gabrielle was literally the cherry on top. You don't want that sort of shit in your life, you can't have that in your life - Over the last days you've completely lost your spark, and Pierre was the only one who managed to help your light it up again. This isn't how you want to spend your life.

You can get by without Charles, Gabrielle and the additional drama. It's time for you to focus on yourself, your work and the people that make you happy; Pierre, Mary, Lorenzo, Kim and Arthur. Those are the most important friends you've got right now.

And that's what Enzo and Arthur are; They're not just your brothers, they're actually your friends.

Lorenzo yells: Y/n!

You glance over your shoulder.

Lorenzo: Slow down, let's go back and discuss this...

y/n sighs: There's nothing to discuss. He believes her, so why should I try and defend myself?

Lorenzo: Because I believe you? And Arthur does too! Josi told me about it when we sat down, and Louise just told the entire table what was said, and most importantly who said what.

You cross your arms, while staring down at the floor.

y/n quietly: It doesn't matter. I don't want to fight anymore Enzo - I just need a break from all this stress and this drama.

Lorenzo nods: Alright, look, I get it. I understand you. But do you think running out right now will help?

y/n sighs: It won't, no, of course it won't, but I'm not about to spend the night with two people that absolutely despise me.

Lorenzo sighs: Okay... Maybe you're right... Maybe everyone needs some time to cool off.

He pulls you in for a long hug, before letting you go again.

Lorenzo: Are you going home now?

y/n: No... Either to Mary or to Pierre. I don't know yet.

Lorenzo sighs: Alright... You're still coming onto the yacht though, right?

y/n shrugs: We'll see.

Lorenzo: It will be awkward I know, but c'mon, please come. I haven't seen you in forever, Josi, Arthur and Louise feel the same way - We all want to spend a day with you. Please, come for us...

y/n whispers: Fine... For you guys...

He nods, while smiling brightly - A minute later he lets you go, allowing you to take off. When you're up the street, you look over your shoulder. Charles and Lorenzo are arguing at the entrance.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now