Chapter Sixty-Nine: A String of Texts

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y/n's PoV:

- 20:47 -

His arms are tightly wrapped around you, while you glide your fingers along his skin. He pecks another kiss onto your temple, as you melt further into his embrace.

You arrived a full hour ago, and to be honest, except for the standard "Hey" and "How are you's", you haven't said a single word. He's just been holding you tightly, making you feel safe and sound.

He sighs softly – You tilt your head to glance up at him. A smile graces his face when you look at him.

y/n whispers: Tonight or tomorrow?

You're really hoping he doesn't want to talk tonight, because you don't want to do this now. Sometimes not talking feels better than lighting up the powder keg.

Pierre softly: Unless you want to talk now, I'd prefer tomorrow ma chérie, don't be upset about it–

y/n relieved: No, no, I'm not upset, not at all. I really don't want to talk about any of this right now.

Pierre exhales: Oh thank God. I refuse to have to talk about everything tonight – It's too much.

He pulls you in for another kiss.

y/n: Good, then let's not. At least not till tomorrow morning...

Pierre relieved: Amazing...

You listen to some music, and start cuddling. His head is resting on your chest, your fingers are running through his hair, and the two of you are fantasising about holidays you want to take together. It's truly peaceful – Uncomplicated, actually.

- The next morning -

Your eyes open in slow motion, as you hear the lyrics to Hozier's "Work Song". Neither one of you turned off the music last night. He sighs when you shift in his arms – You press a kiss onto his neck, immediately closing your eyes afterwards.

Last night allowed for the time to think and process everything that had happened. You are still quite thankful that you didn't discuss anything. Not the club, not Charles, not your Mom; Nothing. It was simply a calm, cuddly night, with loads of random pillow talk and laughter.

There weren't any important topics, and it was heavenly to just get a break from it. Just him and you.

His beard rubs up against your cheek.

Pierre sleepily: Kiss?

You chuckle at his priorities in life: Barely awake, and already wanting your kisses... Okay, okay, you kind of love it. You pucker up, pressing a long, gentle kiss onto his lips. To be honest you don't know how you used to hate him with such a passion. He sighs contently, pulling you in closer. With his warmth and his touch, you drift off again.

- Three hours later -

You run your finger along his lip, as he clumsily tries getting rid of the jam on his mouth. You've started talking about some of the stuff over breakfast; He's sitting opposite of you in a small cafe.

Pierre with a full mouth: And then? She just said that she didn't want to discuss it anymore?

y/n sighs: Pretty much – She said I owed Char to not be with you.

Pierre chuckles: Bullshit Baby. I don't care what you supposedly owe him, it's stupid. And anyways, while he would've probably told her everything you did, you didn't even mention his dumb ass bet or his temper tantrums.

y/n shrugs: Yeah, well, not like it would've changed much. It is what it is I guess...

Pierre smiles: Since when have you become a "go with the flow" and an "it is what it is" type of girl, huh?

y/n chuckles: I dunno Babes... I just don't want to have to deal with my family until I return to Monte Carlo...

Pierre sighs: You'll have to though, since we're headed there in less than two weeks.

You continue eating.

y/n sighs: I'll deal with it then, but for now I'm not home yet, so I'll try my best not to worry.

Pierre sighs: You'll start worrying in a second again though–

y/n confused: Why would I?

Pierre hands you his phone, and you read a few pretty long, chaotically written and pissed off text message from Charles, that he sent at some point last night:

Listen up you motherfucker, I don't give a fuck if you're my best friend or not, that's my sister in question. You've been fucking my baby sister behind my back, brainwashing her and making her think there's a future between the two of you. I know damn well you're playing with her Pierre, so break it off, because she's too stubborn and too naive to do that. You're older than her, you're in charge, so be responsible, because she clearly isn't.

I've seen you play with women in the past, and I can tell you she's not the one for you. So quit while you're ahead, and don't you dare hurt her, cause if you do, you motherfucker, wait for me to come and hurt you as well. Compared to you dirty asshole, she's going places, and she's got the smarts. So I certainly won't let you be the fucking reason why she stops with anything that will help her get into her masters programme.

She's ready to chuck everything out the window based on the fact that you showed her a little attention, and I want to butcher you for that, but I know if I do, she'll freak out even more. She fucking blocked me now, so I'm texting you instead of her.

I want to make some things clear: You won't fucking touch her again, if you do, I'll come for you, and I mean it Pierre. If you kiss her, sleep with her or do anything else, I'll seriously loose my cool.

You will convince her to not stop working in F1, because it will only jeopardise her future and quitting now will make everything be for nothing.

You will break it off and not break her heart. Figure out how the fuck you'll do that, but I'd rather have her be pissed off at you, AND at me, than hurting and in pain, because you loser dumped her for some wanna-be model chick you picked up in some dirty, STD ridden club.

I'm not fucking kidding Pierre, I'm loosing my mind over this thing, and I've practically lost my only baby sister because of you. Fix this, because our friendship, and my relationship with my sister, are hanging on by a thread, and although I'm ready to beat the shit out of you for fucking her, I'd rather not loose either one of you.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now