Chapter Forty-Eight: Max

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Pierre's PoV:

Max lifts his elbow onto the table, while holding eye contact with you - Undetectably he uses his thumb to tap against his middle finger's nail two or three times, before he minimalistically nods in y/n's direction.

It's pretty simple: He's asking if y/n is the girl who left the marks on your back.

You don't react, and the longer it takes you, the wider his eyes open up. Fuck, he knows. You should've shaken your head immediately, but you couldn't - You were caught off guard by him realising.

He exhales slowly, before running the palm of his hand along the lower half of his face. Yeah mate, you're aware that it's a messed up situation. He nods towards the restaurant building, before getting up. You follow suit.

Y/n watches you carefully, as the two of you walk off. Meanwhile the others practically don't even notice.

- - -

You follow him out in front of the restaurant - He's running his hand through his hair.

Max: His sister!?

Pierre: It's not how it looks man-

You run your hand along the nape of your neck.

Max laughs: Not how it looks!? Pierre, dude!? It's his sister. You're fucking his sister!?

He sighs loudly.

Pierre: We're dating man-

Max: Dude, you have to stop this!? I don't care if you're seeing her or not - You literally told her brother today that she was riding you, and that you fully went into her, making her fucking moan and jam her nails into your back - That is so fucking messed up!? Why would you tell him about it!?

Pierre sighs: You begged me to tell you how it happened-

Max frustrated: Yes! If it's some random chick, but you don't expose that, if it's one of your best friend's fucking sister who was riding your dick like there's no tomorrow- Bro-

Pierre yells: We know how fucked the situation is Max!

Max scoffs: Do you though? He's sitting in there- With not a single clue-

He points towards the restaurant.

Max: With his little sister across from him, and his friends - With Lando making moves on her - And in the meanwhile, the two of you are ogling each other!?

Pierre frustrated: She's with me, Max - She's mine, she knows that she is-

Max angrily: You're his best friend. She's his baby-sister. You have to tell him, or stop it before this gets out of hand.

Pierre hectically: What? No!? Look Max, we know it's messed up, but you don't understand the situation; I've always been in love with her, and now she's here, and Charles set up a "Don't date my friends" rule, but we broke it - Then Lando and him bet on her, seeing if Norris could seduce her-

He just stares at you, following your jumbled up logic.

Pierre: And now she wants Lando to win his bet, hence him touching her, to not allow Charles to win the bet - And it's driving me insane with jealousy, but we know that all of it is messed up, and I know that I'm breaking every damn level of the bro-code, but I fucking love y/n, Max. I've never really wanted anyone or anything other than her!

Max doesn't reply, instead he just stares past you - You spin around to see what he's looking at. There she is; Innocently looking at you, completely speechless. Fuck.

y/n awkwardly: Your food has arrived Max.

You turn away from her, running both your hands over your face. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK. Max gives your shoulder a single pat, as he thanks her. He then looks at you again.

Max quietly: Tell him, or stop. If you were doing this with my sister, I would kill you.

He heads inside, only leaving y/n and you in front of the restaurant. You scratch the back of your head as you exhale slowly. You feel her hand gliding along your back and around to your ribs - She stands in front of you.

y/n's PoV:

You swallow harshly, before you rest your hand on his chest. This wasn't something you were supposed to hear.

y/n quotes hesitantly: You fucking love me, and you never wanted anyone other than me?

He sighs, while looking up at the sky. His hand carefully wraps around your waist - He looks down at you.

Pierre quietly: Yeah.

You just stare at him for a moment, unsure what you should be replying to any of this.

Pierre sighs: I've wanted you since I was ten y/n. I've been with other girls, but none of them compare to you - They don't even remotely touch you in my eyes, and I'm sorry this came out the way it did, and so early at that, and I hope it didn't freak you out, but...

y/n softly: Yeah. No, it's, uhm, fine Pierre.

Pierre: And Max knows. He realised when we were looking at each other.

You press a gentle kiss onto his lips.

y/n quietly: Okay. We'll talk about it later, okay? Let's eat now, and discuss everything when we're back in the hotel. We'll figure it out.

Pierre nods: Yeah.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now