Chapter Forty-Seven: So Much For Waiting

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Y/n's PoV:

Everyone greets everyone - A couple minutes later Max and Laura join you, and then the "Hello's, how are you's, nice to meet you's" continue.

You don't give Lando much attention at the start, since you're very much focussed on Effie. When the menus come, you take your time and order some drinks, before you eventually come around to actually ordering your food.

Pierre unlocks his phone again, texts something, and then he stares at you to check your phone. You pull it out of your purse, only to realise it's about Lando:

Pierre: No flirting, no touching. You know the rules y/n, don't drive me insane when I'm helpless and can't do anything. At least don't make me watch your twisted attempt at revenge on Charles - I already saw the picture of you and him at lunch.

He sends you a screenshot from Instagram; So much for waiting to tell you what he's pissed off about.

God the picture is truly unfavourable if you're trying to explain to your boyfriend that you're not actually flirting with Lan- Hold up. Did you just? Call him... Lord have mercy on your soul and the entire world, because you just called Pierre Gasly your boyfriend. Good God. You glance up at Pierre, before replying to him:

y/n: So you're mad about the pic?

Pierre: Yes.

y/n: Baby, I can really explain it, it looks a lot worse than it was.

Pierre: Save that for later. But for now, don't you fucking touch him, and don't you fucking flirt with him. You've practically already broken all my rules except for one.

You sigh softly, as you give him an apologetic glance - Both of you put your phones away, when the drinks arrive. That's a well needed Aperol Spritz at that point...

You feel shit for leading on Lando, and for messing with Pierre like that, all in the name of revenge on your brother, it's stupid actually. Would Charles getting a holiday really be that bad... If it saved your relationship with Pierre?

The jealousy will kill someone or something at some point.

Pierre's PoV:

Fuck man - You hate the fact that he's sitting next to her - But it's not even her fault - Effie sat her down; Y/n was just being polite by following her lead... If she would've sat there on purpose, you could at least hold it over her head in an argument, but she gave you a glance when Effie made her sit, and you gave her a stupid, little nod, because you were convinced you could handle this.

News flash: You can't, even though she's being a perfect angel right now. Except for greeting him, she barely looked, talked or interacted with him. Effie, Laura and y/n are chit chatting about their respective careers, while you, Lando and Max are listening to them:

Effie is currently working as a real estate agent for high-end clientele in her Father's company, and she tells them about what it's like and some of her recent sales.

Max' girlfriend on the other hand, is in her first year of her master's programme for business and economics - She tells the girls about her imminent plans for the future. Then they flip the attention onto your girl.

Laura: And you y/n? Max told me you're working at your brother's team... What do you do there?

Lando observes her; She's got his undivided attention, but she keeps her eyes on Laura as she answers.

y/n: I'm working at Ferrari's press team - It's more of a simple job really...

She glimpses at you; Giving you a smile before she continues.

y/n: I just write, research and rework articles and press-releases pretty much, so nothing special...

Effie: Are you interested in journalism?

Pierre shakes his head: Not directly, she's doing it to get into a prestigious master's programme.

Her soft smile brightens - You listen to her, you know what she's working towards... Her words aren't just ignored by you.

Lando surprised: Oh really?

y/n: Yeah, that's why I'll probably just be around for one season... F1 will give me some experience and then I'm more likely to get in.

Max nods: Oh cool, and what's the masters on?

y/n: International relations - Well, I've got a bachelor in the field already, but I wanted to expand it a little further, so the masters includes a mix of international relations, law, journalism and reporting.

Effie chuckles: So there's some interest in journalism after all...

y/n smiles: Maybe, yeah...

Laura: That's pretty impressive though, international relations I mean...

Lando chuckles: You're a smart one, huh?

You've got your eyes on him for the entire time that he's interacting with her, or frankly, even if he's remotely breathing the same air as her, you're watching him. He leans towards her chair, slowly placing his arm around the back ledge of it - Your smile vanishes, and you become tenser by the second. Your heart rate slowly creeps up, your jaw tenses and you wipe your hands along your pants.

She gives him a short smile.

y/n chuckles: Don't let the bachelor fool you man, I'm a little dumb at times...

Lando smiles: Oh yeah?

You see his hand flattening against her back, moving some of her hair to the side - Why doesn't she move away from it? Fuck y/n! How hard is it to not be fucking touched by some slimy Brit? She immediately glimpses at you. Like seriously? Just move away from him!? By no means will you let some Englishman, who can't even speak her native language touch her chair, her or her beautiful hair. You're fuming.

y/n chuckles: Yeah definitely! Ask Pierre - Ask my brother...

Laura starts laughing, as you relax a tiny bit, and Charles gets involved in the conversation.

Charles smirks: Ask me about what?

Lando chuckles: She says she's stupid sometimes, even though she went to university...

He starts talking about dumb things she's done, and everyone is listening and laughing at her mistakes and mishaps.

Since she deflected the attention onto Charles, the two of you stare at each other, sending "What the fuck's" and "Sorry's" back and forth through your eyes. She tilts her head to the side, as she shifts in her seat, casually pulling her back away from his hand.

Lando notices, and slowly lets his arm glide back onto the ledge of the chair again - At least he's not touching her anymore, but no matter what, he's still too close. Your heart is beating aggressively. You notice someone's eyes on you: Max has been looking back and forth between her and you, and he noticed Lando's hand moving. Shit.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now