Chapter Thirteen: That Girl

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Somehow just sitting here, with him, in silence, him subconsciously playing with your hair, is kind of nice. A gust of wind rushes by, making the leaves rustle. You're rather glad right about now that you wore your hoodie, otherwise you would be shivering.

y/n whispers: That girl...

Pierre turns his head to fully look at you. He scootches a little closer.

Pierre whispers: What about her?

y/n: Is she who you went on a date with that night Charles had invited you to dinner with us?

Pierre nods.

y/n: And not that I care or anything-

Pierre grins: Of course you don't...

He knows damn well that you also feel the chemistry between the two of you.

y/n: But you said you didn't sleep with her?

He shakes his head no.

Pierre whispers: I shouldn't have saved her into my contacts like that...

y/n whispers: You really shouldn't have.

Pierre whispers: Yeah, I know I fucked up on that-

He lets go of your hair, and rests his right hand on the back of your neck - Goosebumps run down your entire spine. You don't even know if you overreacted previously, or if you didn't. At least he recognised that he messed up.

Pierre: And I blocked her, and unfollowed her on Instagram...

You look into his eyes, not sure what to make of his statement.

y/n whispers: Why?

He presses his lips against each other, before moistenting them with his tongue. You're slightly mesmerised by his lips... You kind of want to kiss him again... He tilts his head and leans towards you.

Pierre: Cause it bothered you. That's why.

You rotate your body towards him a little more; God the sexual tension is insane right now... Your knees grow weak as you let his words sink in, your lower stomach fills with excitement and his thumb continues to stroke up and down on the nape of your neck. His eyes are solely fixated on you right now, and you don't know how to feel about any of your body's reactions to him.

You hate Pierre Gasly, right?

Your common sense answers with RIGHT, meanwhile your body takes on a mind of its own, running your hand along his thigh, clearly answering with WRONG...

He leans in a little closer again.

Pierre whispers: Did you run out on me, because you were jealous of something you thought happened, or because you were 'disgusted'...?

You sigh softly, as you glide your hand up his thigh, along his lower abdomen, up his chest and onto the side of his face. A cheeky smile appears, when he realises how you're also being touchy... Because you can.

y/n: What do you think...?

He scoffs: I was hoping it was more because you were jealous actually, but I do realise how fucked all of it seemed, so my money is on you being disgusted...

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now