Chapter Forty-Three: Dig

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Pierre's PoV:

Saturday - Four hours until the Qualifying

Your press agent Kate, and you head down the paddock towards a sponsorship event - You were asked to at least show up, to put on some of their merch, and to just hang out with some of the other drivers for some pictures. You don't understand why they couldn't have done it another day, but you'll show up nonetheless, since it's part of your job.

You see Max and Charles in the distance, and you head on over to join them. You greet both of them, while Kate vanishes in the crowd.

Max: Hey man-

Charles: Hey!

Max chuckles: So what's the point of this event again?

Charles laughs: I think it's to push F1's sponsors or something... I was told I'd get a hat or a shirt and I'd take some pictures...

You nod, saying you were told the same. It feels weird standing next to Charles, knowing damn well that you spent the night with his sister again, and that she knows about the bet - That you lost your own bet and that she'll fuck him over with his Lando-bet. He's not aware of it, but your dynamic has changed, because of y/n.

And you'll stand by her, even if he's your best mate.

Max: Aha... Well how's that different from what we do anyways? Couldn't they have just dropped it off, and we could've worn it to the interviews or something...?

Pierre laughs: You're not wrong... That would've definitely made it easier...

Charles nods: Yeah...

After a couple more minutes Kate returns with a shirt and a hat - Both of them are a deep blue colour - The type y/n really likes... Fuck, she's stuck in your head. The boys also get their things, and they just get changed into their shirts in public.

Kate: Do you want to change in the tent over there?

Pierre shakes his head: No it's fine, I'll just do it here...

Kate: Alright then- I'll be over there if you need anything.

She points at a table with some other team's staff members; You thank her. You pull your white Alpha Tauri shirt over your head - Then both Max and Charles start laughing. You glance at them in confusion, as you put on the blue shirt.

Max laughs: What are those!? Were you attacked by a wild animal!?

Charles laughs: Jesus man!

Charles yanks up the shirt to expose your upper back. It takes a moment for you to realise what they mean. FUCK. The marks y/n left on your back last night aren't bad, only four or so of her nails actually went in a bit deeper, leaving behind a thin bloody crust - She took care of it though, disinfecting your little battle wounds before you went to bed, saying she felt bad about it - The other marks are just imprints.

Pierre laughs: Quit it...

Charles: Dude are those from finger nails?

Max laughs: Definitely! Jeez man, you must have gone at it, if that's the result!

You pull down your shirt hastily.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now