Chapter Ninety-Five: Shepherd Dog

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Charles' PoV:

The yacht steers back towards the shore - Time ran out before you could pull y/n aside to have that talk with her. The two of them are positioned on one of the sundeck couches, cozied up, triggering you endlessly.

After another hour the boat docks, and everyone is stepping back on land. You hang back purposely, trying to nudge Elle to hurry up, for her to get off before you. You've been considering what the best course of action for the talk would be, so you decided to hang back with y/n and walk home with her instead of taking the car.

You glance at your Mom, who you informed about this decision, and she's doing her best to play a Shepherd dog, guiding y/n to the side, and away from everyone else, while the others head towards the car.

From a safe distance you watch the two of them chat - Eventually y/n gleams your way. She knows. Now she knows. Elle keeps blabbering about something, but you aren't even paying attention. You keenly watch her walk towards Pierre, giving both his lower arms a little squeeze, while his hands hold her waist.

He looks over at you, so does she, and then they face each other again. It's a couple more seconds before he gives her a tight hug, followed by a forehead kiss and he steps away. You faintly hear what he says while walking off.

Pierre: Call me, and I'll come.

You sigh as you nudge Elle. She glares at you, now noticing that you haven't been paying attention.

Elle: Are you serious right now?

Charles: Elle-

Elle: C'mon.

You slowly direct her to the car.

Charles: Just go home, and get ready for dinner, okay? I'll be back in like twenty minutes, I just need to have this talk with my sister.

Elle sighs dramatically, before accusing you of prioritising y/n over her again. You don't respond.

y/n's PoV:

Char slowly heads your way once the car doors are shut; Both cars take off. You trace Pierre's steps back into the city, seeing him becoming smaller and smaller, as he puts more distance between the two of you.

You're standing on opposite ends of the dock right now - A good ten or twelve meters between you. Silence takes over, with only the water bumping into the port making itself known. It's awkward to say the least.

Charles: So...

He stares at you, not doing anything about the distance, but at least he ended the silence. It would be an understatement to say that you feel indifferent right now. Yesterday's disrespect was the last straw. You hold eye contact for a couple of seconds, before heading away from the dock. Afterall, you want to go home and shower off all the salt from the ocean.

The only reason you agreed to walk home with Charles was because of the look in your Mom's eyes when you initially said no. She changed her mind about everything. It's truly an odd time to change the way you feel about your favourite child... It's as if she sensed the change in you; The flip from caring to not giving a damn.

After a couple of steps he catches up, now matching your pace and the two of you start your walk back home. The previous silence returns, and your mind wanders off to Pierre and the offer he received. Frankly you wonder how long it will take him to accept it, and how long it will take for Charles to find out about it.

Charles clears his throat, and you turn your head. He's activated his puppy dog eyes, and he's nervously fidgeting with one of his bracelets. The two of you pass by a crowd of people who clearly recognise him - He gets pulled in, talked to, and they take pictures of him.

You feel like an asshole, but you simply continue walking. When you're at the top of the street, and about to take a turn, he arrives, slightly out of breath.

Charles pants: Jesus!? Please...

You glance at him, continuing on. Shouldn't he not get out of breath as an athlete?

Charles: Are you genuinely not gonna talk with me?

A simple shrug does the trick, answering his question. He vigorously grabs a hold of your shoulders, forcing you to come to a halt.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now