Chapter Thirty-Nine: How Much Jealousy Can You Handle?

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y/n's PoV:

You head out of the building, into the paddock and out onto the street. You're lucky he was so fucking stupid... Because... Even though you committed a first crime, by even being with Pierre, he now forced the rule off the table by his own stupidity.

Of course he doesn't know that you know about the bet, but that's not your problem. He should learn to become a better actor and to have better excuses on hand, when asked about something like that.

He'd make a shitty criminal... You'll remember that.. Charles surely won't ever become your partner in crime... He wouldn't survive a single interrogation session. Pierre on the other hand... Hmm - Not too bad. He at least knows how to sneak around and how to keep his mouth shut at the right moments.

You get into Pierre's car. He leans in for a kiss; You softly press your lips onto his. Fuck you missed his taste.

y/n smiles: Hey there...

Pierre: Hey...

You close the car door, before placing your hand bag on the floor. You can't help but smile about Charles shooting himself in his own foot... It's kind of hilarious actually; Technically your biggest issue just vanished with the rule being lifted.

Pierre smiles: Why are you so smiley?

y/n laughs: Ahh... Nothing really... I just casually made Charles drop the "No Dating My Friends" rule...

Pierre confused: Wait what?

He rests his hand on your thigh, as the stop light turns red. He glances at you.

Pierre: What do you mean you made him drop it?

y/n smiles: Oh don't worry about it... All there's to say is that he doesn't know about us, and that the rule doesn't mean anything anymore...

Pierre smiles: Let me guess though... You want this to stay secret for a while longer?

You nod.

y/n: It's for the best that way... And plus, I like this only you and me thing... We'll eventually tell people, but for now...

Pierre nods: Yeah I get it... You do know that he's still gonna be pissed either way since you're his sister and I'm his best mate?

y/n sighs: Yup... Oh and... Uhh... Baby?

You've started to call him that - You need to be careful with it though. You wouldn't want to accidentally call him Baby in front of anyone else.

Pierre nods: Yeah?

y/n: Tell me, how much jealousy can you handle?

He's confused.

Pierre sighs: I already don't like where this is going y/n...

y/n laughs: It's not too bad. I just want to make Char pay for that stupid bet of his. Do you really think I'll let him get a fucking vacation out of it, especially if it's at my cost?

Pierre sighs: You? No... Never... You couldn't let that man be.

You start laughing. He quickly interjects a question.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now