Chapter Ninety-Two: Not Liking, But Respecting

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Lorenzo's PoV:

Y/n follows Pierre onto deck, hand in hand, and your Mom immediately pulls y/n aside. Her face gets squished in between your Mom's concerned palms, and Pierre gets an angry glance - If looks could kill, Pierre would be fish-food by now.

Mom: You'll bring her home from now on, do you understand me Pierre Gasly?

Full name treatment... Damn.

Pierre nods: Yeah...

y/n annoyed: Mom, c'mon, it's fine. I just didn't sleep in my own bed - I wasn't kidnapped or anything...

Mom: You left dinner, you got drunk with your friend and then you went to his place, instead of your home! You say it's fine - I wasn't fine though, I was worried. This is manic behaviour-

She ensures her that it won't happen again, and your Mom reluctantly agrees to let Pierre sleep over, since y/n isn't allowed to stay the night at his place... It's a dumb rule to not let her sleep over at his place to be honest... They'll do what they want to do when they're not in Monaco anyways.

When the whole mini-debacle is over, y/n heads your way, giving you a long hug, followed by greeting your wife, and then Arthur and Louise.

Lorenzo: Hey man...

Pierre stretches out his hand - You pull him in for a hug instead. With everyone else letting down y/n right now, you might as well do the right thing and stick by her - which means being nice to him.

Pierre: Hey bro-

You watch your little sister join your wife, as you pat Pierre on the back - They start chatting about something, while the two of you head towards the front of the yacht.

Lorenzo: I hope she wasn't too upset last night. I know how that always falls onto us guys then...

Pierre sighs: She wasn't doing too great, but she was fine in the end. She didn't quite tell me what happened though.

Lorenzo surprised: Oh really? I kind of expected her to explode last night. It's good she kind of handled it on her own way then...

She's tough, that's for sure, but no matter how strong you are, these things have a toll on you... If you want them to, or not, they will. We're all human after all.

Pierre concerned: Why? What happened?

Lorenzo sighs: She should really be the one telling you man - Does she usually tell you about family stuff?

He nods, saying she always fills him in, even on the small stuff. She likes him a lot - You knew that, you knew he was involved, you knew she told him things, but if she genuinely always tells him... He must be something special for some reason.

Pierre: But yeah last night... She arrived piss-drunk, not wanting to talk about anything regarding the dinner, so I just got her to bed.

Lorenzo nods: And I appreciate that man- I really do... I think everyone did, even if they won't tell you that.

Pierre leans against the railing, and you mirror his action.

Lorenzo: Charles was pretty concerned.

Pierre: Yeah, I figured. His messages sounded that way.

Lorenzo nods: I know. He freaked out when we got back, and she wasn't in her room.

He sighs. Charles can't be an asshole one minute, and the over-protective, worried big brother the next. He was freaking out nonetheless though. They both still care about each other, but they've gotten in too deep with this situation.

Lorenzo continues: He wanted to - And I think this is so stupid - But he wanted to tell y/n that what happened with Elle was all a big misunderstanding... Bullshit, but fine, he's delusional. And you'll never hear me saying this again, but I was so fucking glad that she was with you man... I didn't want her to have to sit through that speech. It was fucking ridiculous.

The two of you exhale.

Pierre sighs: I hope he knows he's losing her.

She's spiralling because of the Charles thing, and all of you can see it.

Lorenzo sighs: Slowly, but surely.

He runs his hands over his face.

Pierre: I think we've arrived at the "surely" more than at the "slowly".

Lorenzo: It doesn't take a genius to know that...

Pierre: Yeah...

Even if he doesn't inquire, you tell him what happened last night - Y/n will tell him when she's ready to, but he has the right to know and act accordingly. He has to make up his mind about Charles' and Elle's actions, and act the way he wants to act around them.

Everyone deserves to know all the facts, especially if it directly affects them. And oh boy is he affected. His best mate and his girlfriend are on the outs. His best mate's girlfriend and y/n are off to a bad start. And the poor fella is on a boat with people who don't quite want him here.

It's safe to say he deserves all the facts. He lets everything sink in for a moment or two, before sighing.

Pierre quietly: Fucking hell. He's a fucking moron.

Lorenzo: Yeah...

Pierre: I'll be honest, if I were in her shoes...

He starts chuckling.

Pierre: I would've also left and I would've totally gotten piss-drunk for my own good.

You grin. He's not wrong. The two of you continue talking about it for a couple more minutes.

Lorenzo: I don't blame her for not telling you - She probably needed a moment of peace with you.

He nods slowly, saying he gave her that. You pat his shoulder.

Lorenzo: Good. I'm happy she's found a safe space with you. She deserves time off with all the craziness right now.

His eyes darken when you say that - He didn't expect that sort of approval or praise. You aren't his biggest fan, no, you're not, but you are your little sister's biggest supporter.

Pierre has been more caring and supportive than most others in her life, and he could've definitely just left as soon as it got complicated, but he stuck around - God knows why - but he stayed. You don't like him particularly, but you truly respect and appreciate the role he plays in y/n's complicated and fragile life right now.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant