Chapter Thirty: I Wanted To Knock

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Pierre's PoV:

You get all buckled up, the stewardess does the safety-performance with the masks and the seatbelts, and then you take off. George and you play a couple rounds of cards, before you get bored, switching it up with some music.

Lando and you swap seats, so that he can continue playing with George. Charles gives you a small smile. An hour later he nudges you. You take off your headphones.

Charles: I wanted to talk to you about something.

You stare at him, unsure what he'll bring up now.

Pierre: Okay... What about?

Charles: Y/n.

Your heart nearly drops. Internally you start freaking out; You must look pretty stressed out, because he immediately continues.

Charles: Dude chill- It's nothing bad, you look like you just saw a ghost.

Pierre chuckles: I didn't expect you to bring up y/n-

Charles laughs: As I said, it's nothing bad. She changed her mind, saying she messed up on the whole "Keep Pierre Away from Me" thing... She asked me to undo it, saying she was sorry.

A ton of weight is lifted off of your chest in relief; Admittedly at least a tiny part of you was terrified that he'd say "I know you slept with my sister and I know you really like her! How could you?". But nope... That's your girl - She promised she'd undo it, and she did.

Pierre: Ahh, really? So...

You want to inquire a little further.

Pierre: So, you talked to her about everything? Or just that?

You know the answer already, since she told you about their conversation yesterday, but you're curious to see what he's going to say.

Charles nods: All of it - As you said, I should just apologise. I did that, and now y/n and I are good again.

Lando glances up every now and then, clearly listening, ever since Charles first mentioned her name. It kind of pisses you off actually, but once again you keep your cool.

Pierre: That's great!

Charles: Bro, I swear, I was so stressed about talking to her...

Pierre: I mean I get it. You felt bad, and she was pretty damn upset about the whole car conversation thing-

He seems a little confused about your knowledge - You continue.

Pierre: You told me about that, remember? That you screamed at her in the car...

Charles: Oh yeah, right... Before the interviews we discussed it...

You nod. For a moment you thought you had said too much, but he did tell you about it.

Charles: But yeah, I gave her that evening to cool off... She drove back to the hotel with a friend instead of me, and then I didn't go to her to fix it straight away. To be honest I wanted to knock, I nearly did at like 10 PM...

You stare at him; If he would've knocked, he would've found you smashing his sister. You nod; You feel a little awkward talking about this now. It feels wrong to be both their confidant.

Charles: But I changed my mind - I gave her a little more time to cool off. I think that was good too, cause I went to her yesterday morning, and we had breakfast together, where we talked about all of it. Now she's not mad anymore

Pierre smiles: That's really good.

He smiles brightly, saying it's such a relief.

Charles: I won't lie though, those hickies still bother me.

Now he's got Lando's full attention. Can't this motherfucker just fuck off already?

Lando chuckles: Hickies?

Since Lando has now entered the conversation, he stops laying down cards, meaning George is now listening as well.

Charles laughs: Yeah, my sister snuck out a few days ago, and then her neck was covered in hickies.

Lando: Oh damn...

He seems irritated; Damn right. She's yours and those hickies do exactly what they're supposed to do - Fend off idiots like Lando from hitting on her.

Charles: She said she just hooked up with some dude from some bar- That it didn't mean much, but still, it bothers me.

George nods: You're her brother, of course it bothers you.

Lando: To be honest I don't know what I'd do if one of my sisters would come back with hickies.

You chuckle; They glance at you.

Pierre: She's having a little fun, testing her limits, you know?

The three of them nod. She's having fun and testing her limits with YOU... And you love it.

Lando: So... Charles?

Charles: Yeah?

Lando: Do you let her date?

You immediately look at Charles. He shrugs.

George laughs: God Norris, you're making it sound like this girl has no free will, as if everything goes through Charles?

Lando: You know what I meant-

Charles: Yeah, I get it. I don't know really, naturally she deserves the best... But I mean, yeah, I told her if it was the right guy-

He's got your full and undivided attention right now.

Pierre: You discussed this with her?

Charles nods: Kind of. She asked me what I'd do if she were to date someone I didn't approve of.

Lando: Is she with someone?

You wish you could say "Yes, she's with me, stop trying.", but you can't. You'll stir the pot though, to make it harder for Lando.

Charles shakes his head: She said she wasn't.

Pierre: Why are you even asking all of this? Are you trying to get with her?

Charles stares at him.

Charles: Dude- I swear, I don't want you flirting with her again. The first time was enough. I don't want to witness that again-

Lando: I was just nice to her!

Pierre chuckles: No man, you were flirting.

Lando: Why are you tryna throw me under the bus right now?

Charles and George start laughing.

Charles disgusted, but curious: So, you're into her?

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now