Chapter Two: Promise me

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Y/n's POV

Charles barges in like any older brother would - Nothing has changed since your childhood... Even know that he's 25, and you're 23, he still comes into your room unannounced at home... Without knocking. You didn't even know that he was going to come over today, but he randomly appeared for lunch - Understandably so when your Mom makes lasagna.

Charles in a bossy tone: You're not going to Melbourne.

You glance at him and take off your headphones.

Y/n: I'm aware... Now leave...

You don't need him to rub it in any further... The realisation that you won't is like salt in an open wound already; It stings. He wanders into your room and looks around - It hasn't changed a lot since high school.

Charles: Why so hostile?

Y/n: Leave it be Char... Come on, I'm mad, just go-

Charles: I agree with her though-

Y/n: Of course you would.

He's always been incredibly protective, so naturally he would disagree with what you want.

Charles: Butttt...

He tries to pull it as long as possible. Does he think he's goofy?

Y/n: But what?

Charles: But I'm the best, you know...

Confusion rushes in. You tilt your head to the side and give him a confused look. What does his cocky self-image have to do with anything?

Y/n: Dude! What are you on about?

Charles: You owe me now. BIG TIME!

The muscles in your face relax as the hope rises that he convinced her to let you go. You jump out of bed and straighten yourself up. Please let that be it... Please!

Y/n: Did she agree to let me go!?

Charles: Ehmmm... Not quite.

Y/n: Ohh

You can't really hide the disappointment.

Charles: But I got you a position at Ferrari and Mom is okay with you going.

He leans against your book shelf, chooses a random book, flips through it and then looks at you again. He has a slight smile on his face.

Y/n: What do you mean? *You chuckle* Like in F1... or?

Charles: Of course in F1 you moron... Do you think I'll get you a gig at a car dealership?

He laughs and asks what you think of the idea. He mentions that you'll be a secretary, and that you'll be able to spend time in Ferrari's press team too; You'll be able to write. The idea of being able to travel and write is convincing enough - This is surreal.

Y/n: Wait... Are you serious!? *He nods* Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Both of you have the biggest smiles. This might not be Melbourne or the internship, which was great as is, but this is certainly more amazing and unique; They'll have to admit you into the programme when you're done with this! You rush into his arms and he gives you a tight hug. After a few seconds he lets you go.

Charles serious: But promise me one thing!

Y/n speaking really fast: Anything, believe me I'll be fine with any of your ridiculous, protective rules, as long as I get to travel and write and do things and *you grasp for air out of excitement*

Charles: Stay away from my friends okay...

His face is borderline disgusted when he says that.

Y/n: What do you mean? Like I can't befriend them?

He shakes his head and chuckles.

Charles: More like... uhm... *He swallows harshly* Don't get involved with them romantically or you know... sexually... *He pauses* I don't want any scenario between a mate and my little sister. Okay? Do we have a deal, do you promise it!?

You nod immediately and say that won't be an issue - Why would you even want to get involved with any of his friends? There's plenty of guys out there... You certainly don't need to pick any of his weird friends; You start thinking of Pierre and you chuckle. Ew. He mentions one or two more things before he leaves. You thank him a million times.

As soon as he's gone, your mind starts wizzing around, and you think about the promise you made. A few seconds later you remind yourself of Pierre again... Dorky, sleazy Pierre. The last time you saw him you were 15, and he was 18. Ew. The way he looked at you, talked to you and tried to flirt is still disgusting - How would you ever even want to get involved with any of Charles' friends after meeting the one and only sleaze bag known as Pierre Gasly...? Granted you barely know any of his friends and you haven't seen Pierre since you were 15, but if they're anything like Pierre was back then, you can certainly pass.

*Two weeks later. Charles told you to only come when the first race weekend begins. You enter the paddock by Charles' side and walk towards the garage.*

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now