Chapter Nineteen: M&M's

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Pierre's PoV:

She sits back down on her bed, finishes her candy and just watches you. You wander around her room for a second, looking at the pants on the floor that she didn't pick up, and her snacks being scattered across the foot of the bed. Her laptop is open - You glance at it.

Pierre points at the laptop: Did I disturb you?

She shakes her head and just says she was watching a movie.

Pierre: Ah alright then...

Her deep green eyes are fixated on you, as you lift her F1 clearance badge; You look at her little black and white picture on it. It's quite cute...

Pierre: So uhm

y/n: Yes?

Pierre: About the call...

She pours a few M&M's into her hand.

y/n: What about it?

Pierre uneasily: You said you were okay, but you didn't quite sound okay to me.

She chuckles.

y/n: So you're here to fix that?

Pierre: Can I?

She laughs and shakes her head.

Pierre looks at the floor: I am sorry I'm the reason for your fight with Charles though...

y/n: As I said, don't worry about it... It's really none of your concern.

She pulls her knees up against her chest.

Pierre: It is though - I know you keep telling me it's not, but I wanna fix it somehow...

y/n sighs: Gasly-

Pierre shakes his head: Stop calling me that - I'm Pierre to you...

y/n: Fine, Pierre...

Pierre: You see, that's much better already...

She tilts her head and down plays an amused smile.

y/n: What's done is done, he yelled at me...

You sit down on the corner of her bed.

y/n: I yelled back at him... And that's all there is to it. I lied about what happened. I ignored him today cause I needed the space, and that's all there is. I don't need a knight in shining armour to come and save me... Let alone fix a situation for me. I can handle it, and I did... Correct?

You sigh - She is right, of course she is, and you're not trying to come off as her saviour, you just want to make sure that she's okay. You don't want to fix her, or the situation, you want to be there for her...

Pierre quietly: Correct.

y/n: Good.

Pierre quietly: Good.

You lean forwards and take a few of her M&M's. You sit in silence for a few seconds. Both of you are just snacking...

Pierre: I didn't want it to come off as fixing...

Y/n nods her head minimally, and pulls the blanket over her bare feet. Somehow this is super intimate; It's different seeing someone in a 'wind-down' state. It's something only they are really supposed to see and be part of.

Pierre concerned: I guess... I just wanted to be here for you... 

You pause momentarily, waiting for a reaction.

Pierre softly: ...See if you need someone to comfort you, or to talk to...

y/n: Oh

Pierre softly: Yeah

To be honest you don't know where you stand with her. After she ran out on you in the park, you thought you were on the outs. After your phone call, you still thought she was fed up with you. But now... It's not quite either. If she wouldn't want you in her room, in her personal space, she would've asked you to leave. You know she would've vocalised it, or pushed you out - In that case you would've left and given her space... But she let you into her bubble. So, you don't know where you stand.

Pierre: So do you?

She shrugs her shoulders - You know that she's no kid that needs to talk or needs a cuddle, but...

y/n whispers: Do you wanna watch the rest of the movie with me?

You hold your breath. That is not what you expected her to say. She makes some space next to where she's sitting, moving the bag of M&M's onto the night stand. You sit down next to her with a respectable amount of space in between you - And she fills you in on the first half.

y/n: So there is this married couple, and each of them have best friends, and the married couple tried setting the single friends up-

Pierre: Like on a date?

y/n: Uh-huh, but that obviously failed, because they hate each other and they're polar opposites

Pierre: Like you and me?

y/n smiles as she continues: But they're the godparents of the married couple's baby. The couple got into a car crash, and they didn't tell either of them that the baby would be left in their care after their deaths...

Pierre: That's unfortunate...

y/n: And now they moved into the couple's house, and they're doing their best to raise Sophie together...

Pierre: Sophie?

y/n: The baby, you idiot...

Pierre: Of course I'm an idiot... How couldn't I have known it was the baby...

She gives you a glance while she shakes her head smiling.

y/n: So yeah, that's where I left off.

She leans over you to reach the bag of M&M's - You get to it first, handing it over to her.

Pierre: Alright... Press play...

She places the laptop in between you, and the movie continues. After a few seconds she moves closer to you - You watch her keenly, thinking she's just adjusting the way she's sitting, but instead, she pushes the laptop onto your lap, and rests her head on your chest.

You look down at her. You wrap your arm around her and she sighs softly.

She glides her hand over the fabric of your shirt, while being fully captivated by the movie. You push her soft hair to the side, combing it out of her face, only to have the hickies you left on her body stare back at you. Oh shit.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now