Chapter Twelve: The Park

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You stare at your screen for a moment, as your heart drops. Fuck... Even though his message is only composed of your name, you continue to stare at it. Heat rushes to your face and after a couple more seconds, you open WhatsApp: He's still online, waiting for a response.

You keep it simple, and reply:

y/n: Yeah?

He reads the message, and then calls you - Okay, now you're freaking out. Your hands start feeling sweaty and your face is on fire; What did you get yourself into? You answer the call.

Pierre: Come down to the lobby, I'll be waiting for you.

You push yourself off of the bed and start pacing up and down the room.

y/n: Why should I?

You look down at yourself; You're in your pjs, wearing oversized tennis socks that you stole from Arthur a few weeks ago, since they were comfortable, as well as a huge hoodie. You surely wouldn't leave your room like this...

Pierre: Cmon, please, I just want to talk... We'll take a short walk, I just want you to listen to what I have to say and-

y/n interrupts: I was gonna go to bed now Pierre, I'm not even dressed to leave my room.

Pierre whispers: Please get changed, and come and see me. I know it's late, but I need to talk to you.

You stop pacing and sigh. Silence sets in.

You think about Mary's words... She was right about not getting too involved with him, but you can't help it; You regret your previous decisions and you're somewhat curious as to what he wants to say. You shouldn't have told Charles that you didn't want him around you anymore... Shit. You inhale sharply before risking it.

y/n: I'll be down in ten minutes, wait in front of the hotel, not in the lobby.

Before he can even respond you hang up. You throw on a pair of jeans, but keep your oversized hoodie; It's probably cold outside. Oh you're so fucked. The matter of fact that you are going right now simply shows that you don't want him to stay away from you...

Gravitational energy pulls you down the hallway - You enter the elevator, walk through the empty lobby and make your way towards the main entrance.

Pierre's PoV:

You glance at the time once again. Ten minutes are nearly over. You pace around in the area across from the hotel's entrance - To be honest you weren't even sure if she would respond, after all she seemed quite determined when Charles was around, but it was worth a shot.

Naturally you don't want to disrespect her wishes or cross her boundaries, but she's so much more than just another girl to you. Back in the day, when you had karting events, you always looked forward to seeing Charles, but even more so y/n... She had always had your full attention, and no, of course you couldn't keep your eyes off of her... So you chased her around when you were a young boy, you nagged her when you were teenagers, and you always kept an eye on her, even when she stopped showing up to Charles' races for a while.

Someone exits the hotel, but it's not her - Your mind wanders off again.

A few weeks ago Charles and you went on a short three-day trip to Rome... You went to visit some old friends and go to some events - All in all the trip was great. But you can't help but grin when you remember your reaction to Charles telling you that y/n would be joining him for the entire next season. You nearly dropped your wine glass, and Charles started laughing hysterically, saying your face mirrored blank horror.

Were you horrified? Maybe not. More like shocked knowing the girl you had been infatuated with since you were nine, was going to be around you 24/7...

Speaking of the devil... She hesitantly crosses the street, waiting for some cars to pass, then she slowly walks up to you. She's wearing a massive dark blue hoodie, with faint white lettering - It could be saying COLORADO, but you're not too sure.

She crosses her arms in front of her chest, as if she was either annoyed, or cold, just looking up at you. You nod your head to the right.

Pierre: Ready?

There's a park not too far away from here. You thought a quiet place with some benches was suitable for the conversation you wanted to have with her... To be honest you just wanted to know if she really meant what she had said earlier and if she was actually done with you. Her being here now though, gives you hope.

y/n: Alright...

She's walking to your right, looking around at the buildings and trees. You try matching your pace with hers - The slower you go, the more time you can spend with her... At least that's how it works in your mind.

Y/n's PoV:

He just guides you along the street, positioning himself on the side of the road, before you reach a park entrance. The nice thing about Pierre is that silence isn't a bad thing; Sure, it's a little awkward, because of what happened today, but neither of you saying a word is kind of comforting.

The greenery surrounds you as you walk down the paths of dirt through the park, eventually he pauses in front of a bench and just points at it.

y/n: Yeah, sure...

Pierre whispers: Cool, cool...

You sit down, turning yourself slightly towards him. He does the same, whilst taking off his baseball cap. You watch him fidget around with it for a while... Neither of you are starting this conversation. You give it a shot:

y/n: Soo...

He chuckles swiftly, wraps his arm around your shoulder and repeats what you just said.

Pierre whispers: Sooo...

You glance over your shoulder, at his hand that is softly playing with the ends of your hair - You don't think he's even noticing that he's fidgeting around with it. A soft smile appears on your face. Oddly enough, the guilt you felt prior had vanished, as had the anger, and disgust for that matter.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now