Chapter Ninety-Three: Metastasising Pain

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Lorenzo's PoV:

You continue talking to him for a while, before your Mom calls your name. All of Monaco probably heard her yelling "ENZOOOOOOOOOOOO!". The two of you head back to everyone else, only to be greeted by Elle and Char.

The atmosphere hangs low, as y/n just gives both of them a quick and dry "Hi". Pierre joins her, wrapping his arm around the back of the couch, while Charles and his girl sit down across from them. He needs to stop staring at her.

The Captain announces your departure, and soon you're out of the harbour.

Pierre's PoV:

She sighs quietly as the sun shines onto her face - Y/n's wearing her sunglasses that you brought in your suitcase. It's kind of amazing to be the momentary caregiver of some of her stuff. You love when she hectically calls you to ask if you have a pair of her shoes, or something else...

You've become her person - The one who holds onto her sunglasses, and who holds onto her.

You lean towards your girl, gently pressing a kiss onto her cheek. You certainly won't filter your actions in front of anyone. The only moment you will, is if she asks you too, but by her reaction, she really doesn't give a fuck anymore. It's you and her, regardless of her family at this point.

She slightly turns, allowing her to lean her back against part of your chest. You wrap your arm across her stomach, securing her in place. You nuzzle up to her ear. A sweet smell radiates off her skin.

Pierre whispers: Enzo told me what happened.

She glances through the side of her sunglasses, allowing you to see her eyes; They're emotionless. Stone fucking cold and empty.

y/n whispers: One less thing for me to do.

You can't help, but chuckle. They should be the anxious ones now - She's lost all concern.

Pierre whispers: Fucked up thing to do.

y/n sighs: Yeah, well... It is what it is now.

Her hand starts gliding over your arm, and you intercept her Mom's quick glances. The girls, minus Elle of course, start involving y/n in their conversation on travel destinations, while Charles and Arthur are whispering back and forth about something.

The boat steers off-shore for a solid hour, before the anchor makes contact with the bottom of the ocean, and the crew starts bringing out some of the water toys. She's still glued to you.

Charles' PoV:

Mom quietly: Will you stop staring at them already?

You turn your head to face her, unaware of the fact that you just blatantly watched the two of them and Enzo.

Charles sighs: I can't help it.

Mom nods: I know. I've given all of this another thought Char - I'm tired of the two of you splitting the family in half. Use today to make up, hmm? I don't care what I said before, fix this.

If only it were so easy...


Y/n's giggles, mixed with Pierre's laughter, spread over the boat like tidal waves, as they climb back onto deck. It doesn't take long before Enzo joins in, swiftly pushing him overboard, only for her to jump in after him again.

Elle leans her head against your arm, as she quietly watches everyone except for the two of you laugh and actually have fun. But how could you enjoy yourself right now, while the pain metastasises throughout your body?

Your Mom's plea echoes through your mind - So does the thought of worry you felt last night when y/n wasn't at home, where you expected her to be.

More playful giggles, more worry-free screams, more heartfelt laughter.

Pushing a knife through your heart would certainly be less painful.

You brush Elle off of you, framing it in such a way that you want to lie down in the sun. She follows you up a flight of stairs to the sundeck. Elle steps onto the padded pillow layer, and you follow short after. The further up you are, the less you hear their happiness. You lie down in the sun.

All you think about is her. How couldn't you with the lingering taste of guilt in your mouth, and the faint chuckles rising up from below?

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now