Chapter Eighty-Six: Elle, No, Gabrielle

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y/n's PoV:

Eventually the doorbell rings once, and then twice... All in a span of five or so minutes. Josephine and Louise find their way to your room, and they lure you out to everyone else.

Louise gives Arthur a little kiss, while Josi helps your Mom with some flowers she received. You get a snappy comment from her about not helping like Josi is, but you ignore it. The girls practically interrogate you about your new job and everything there is to know.

Then it rings a third time, and Charles jumps up to open the door.

Louise: That must be Elle!

Josi: Seems to be... Have you met her already?

You shake your head.

Josi: She invited Louise and me to lunch a few days ago to get to know us ahead of this race weekend.

You give her a genuine smile.

y/n: Oh nice!

You can't be hurt about it - After all you have no right to be. You weren't here, so why would she have invited you? Or it was only for girlfriends, and the sister doesn't count... Who knows. It's in the past and it doesn't matter; You let go of it.

Charles walks in with a tall blonde. You take a second to look at her, while she greets your brothers, their girls, and your Mom, practically ignoring you until everyone else has been greeted. She's got high cheekbones, soap-brows and incredibly voluminous hair.

She looks like a model, so it seems she got into the right industry.

When it's your turn to say hello, she gives you a short judgemental glance, before Charles introduces you as his sister.

Charles: This is y/n... My sister. And y/n, this is Elle-

y/n: Hi, nice to meet you Elle-

She ignores what you said.

Elle: It's Gabrielle for you - Just my friends call me Elle...

Charles glances at her for a moment, before you give her a short, mandatory hug; After all she gave everyone a hug. You try ignoring her blatant disrespect, by brushing it off and involving her in the conversation with the others.

Your Mom is still snappy for some reason, and Charles keeps staring at you.

Fucking hell, you just want to flee into Pierre's arms already.

This is a shit show.


On your way to the restaurant, your brothers walk ahead with your Mom, while Louise, Josi, Gabrielle and you walk a couple of meters behind them. Gabrielle isn't really participating in the conversation, although the three of you consistently try to involve her.

Louise: So you'll be working the entire time then?

y/n: Yeah, I'm afraid so. I'll be around, but I won't be able to hang out with you guys for long...

Josi: Oh that sucks... I totally forgot about the fact that you wouldn't be hanging out with us. Man that's shit!

Louise: At least we get to see you in the evenings!

Josi: Totally... We've barely spent any time together, since you left.

y/n smiles: Yeah, I know - But this is better than nothing! And I mean-

Gabrielle: Y/n?

She cuts you off mid-sentence, and you nod.

y/n: Yeah?

Gabrielle: So you've got no boyfriend to bring to the family dinner then?

You stare at her, slightly perplexed by her direct question - It's also got a bit of a rude tone to it.

y/n: Uhh, I have a boyfriend, but it's complicated, so no, he's not coming tonight.

More like the invite was never extended to him, and you knew you shouldn't bother asking your Mom if you could bring him... She'd say no, because of Charles. A day on the boat will be enough for starters.

Gabrielle: No surprise there...

Josi confused: What's that supposed to mean?

You're thankful that Josi and Louise seem to have picked up on her weirdness too. Louise links her arm with yours, while the three of you stare at Gabrielle in confusion.

Gabrielle: I just assumed you'd bring drama into the family.

y/n irritated: Excuse me?

Did you do something to this girl? Or why is she acting and talking to you like this?

Gabrielle: Charles told me about you, and about how complicated you are. And yeah, I didn't really think you could pull anyone with the way you look, and if you could, it sounded like you'd bring a lot of drama to the table, simply to get a sliver of attention.

Josi: Uhm, Elle, her relationship is complicated - She's not. What's your problem?

Louise: And y/n doesn't do shit for attention? What the hell are you on about?

Louise and you just glance at each other.

Gabrielle scoffs: Are you sure about that? Seems she does most things for attention.

She's getting on your nerve.

y/n politely: Gabrielle, did I do something to offend you, or to get onto your bad side? Because to be honest I don't understand where your attitude is coming from right now.

Josi nods, seeming content with the way you phrased things.

Gabrielle: No, you didn't offend me - I just don't particularly like you. Neither does Charles to be honest.

y/n: What did you just say to me?

You don't even know how to respond - What the actual fuck is this?

Louise: You don't even know her, and if you knew Charles properly, you'd know that that's bullshit. He cares about y/n more than he does about himself.

Gabrielle: I saw and I heard enough to know he dislikes you.

Your Mom and the boys gather in front of the restaurant, waiting for the four of you to catch up. You stare at her in disbelief.

y/n: Uhm, okay then?

Josi and Louise seem equally as confused as you are. You reach the restaurant.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now