Chapter Fifty-Seven: Champagne

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y/n's PoV:

This will end badly - You already have a bad feeling about this, but you can't say no to him, even if you wanted to decline, you couldn't; This is his happiness you're talking about - He won a race, he's ecstatic. He has the right to want to celebrate and end the day with a bang... Even if that bang will consist of Charles busting you.

You sigh - You need to stay hopeful... Right?

When Georgia returns with Kim, you snap out of your overthinking state; You hone in on the rest of your work, and time starts flying by.


Your music gets interrupted by a notification, as you're getting ready for the club; Pierre messaged you. You swipe it open:

Pierre: I'm in front of your room ma chérie, open up...

He's way too early - You're not even close to being done... You unlock the door, letting him into your room, before you rush back into the bathroom. He follows you, smiling at the scene he's witnessing.

The top half of your hair is in a little looped bun, while the bottom half is curled. You keep removing a section, before putting the rest by side again. Your make-up is scattered on the vanity, you're in your underpants and your bra, and you've got French rap going in the background.

So you understand his smirk.

He places his hands on your hips, while he looks at you in the mirror. You don't let him stop you - The curling has to continue, otherwise it won't ever get done.

Pierre smiles: You look beautiful.

You hold the eye contact through the reflection in the mirror; You give him a soft, surprised smile. The fact that you aren't ready yet, and he tells you that, makes it so much better.

Pierre chuckles: This hairstyle is really doing it for me by the way...

You burst into laughter.

y/n laughs: I'm sure it does...

You pull out another section to curl, he watches you wrap the strand around the curling iron.

Pierre smiles: Can I try doing that?

y/n chuckles: Are you being serious right now?

He nods eagerly.

y/n smiles: Fine, but watch out it's hot, so don't burn yourself, and come over here-

You pull him to your left side.

y/n: I won't have you burn off a section of my hair in the back.

Pierre chuckles: Okay, yeah, so how do I do this?

There's something innocent about him right now - It's not necessarily child-like, but it's somehow pure that he wants to try curling your hair.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now