Chapter Sixty: P.D.A.

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y/n's PoV:

You get a cab to drive you to the club, since both Pierre and you are a little tipsy from the 1.5L Champagne bottle already, and since Charles intends on drinking a lot tonight. Pierre obviously uses the same reasoning as Char, to keep your previously told lie alive...

When you arrive, a bunch of people are there already and the night takes off pretty quickly. Effie and Laura are there again, as well as Alejandra, but she only hangs around the boys. You'll keep an eye on her, because you didn't like how she flirted with Pierre last night.

The girls and you do shots every twenty or so minutes in between songs, before you rush back to the dance floor. The club is truly jam-packed, and the music is so damn good.

Pierre's PoV:

Charles, Max, George, Yuki, Carlos, you and a few others are sitting in your section of the club. It's slightly elevated, allowing you to oversee the dance floor; You've got your eye on one girl and one girl alone.

If you didn't know any better, you'd assume your girl is bi - The way she's dancing with Laura and Effie... It's sexy watching her like that. George gets up to get a drink, opening a gap between Max and you - He moves towards you, wrapping his arm around you, he points into the crowd.

He's drunk already.

Max smirks: I get why you picked her though-

You stare at him; Not because you're worried Charles will hear, but because of what he just said.

Pierre clearly: You better think twice about what you're gonna say now Max.

Max laughs: Woah, woah, someone's protective!? Chill man, I've got Laura, I don't want what's yours, I'm just saying-

He needs a moment to process what he's gonna say next; Alcohol isn't his friend.

Max smiles: I just understand why her, that's all man - She fucking hot-

You clench your jaw for a moment.

Pierre seriously: Watch it Max. To you she's not fucking hot, understood?

He starts laughing foolishly, like a drunk guy would, before backing off, saying he understood. You let the liquor slide down your throat, as you focus on your girl again.

She's at the bar now, doing more shots - You think she knows how to handle her alcohol, so you're not even worried, but you'll just keep an eye on her anyways.

After all, you can, because she's yours and only yours.

Charles smiles: See anything down there you like?

He hands you a new drink, as he sits down next to you. Charles starts drinking, while looking into the sea of people.

Pierre shrugs: Something like that, but she's too good for me anyways, so I'll just keep my eye on her tonight...

He starts laughing, saying he understands. No... He really doesn't. Fuck man. You don't care about morals, and to be honest you couldn't give less of a shit half the time, but since this thing with y/n started, you've been thinking about fidelity and loyalty a lot more.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now