Chapter Fifty-Eight: Drink Up My Girl

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y/n's PoV:

Pierre dreamingly: Fuck you smell so good-

y/n smiles: Oh yeah?

Pierre nods flirtingly, an unnoticeable grin forming slowly. You cup his face, pressing soft kisses onto his mouth; His lips part softly, exposing his tongue, which slips into your mouth. Yours and his immediately start pressing against each other, while your lips do the rest.

He slowly lifts you a bit, pulling your dress up bit by bit, uncovering your black lace panties. His eyes are filled with hunger; He pulls you in for another kiss, before grabbing the Champagne bottle again. He shakes it, saying there's not much left in it.

Pierre smiles: Drink up my Girl...

You tilt back your head, as you let the bubbly goodness enter your system. He starts kissing your neck, smiling when he spots the shadow under which his previous hickey is hiding beneath.

The alcohol, and his strong hands are slowly, but surely turning you on... You let your hands glide down his dress shirt, only for them to reach his belt. You unbuckle it.

Pierre warns: Y/n- We need to get going any second now-

y/n promises: We have time-

You get up from his lap, only to kneel down in front of him. With your knees on the ground, you tilt your head to look up at him - Your hands continue their way into his pants, pulling out his dick.

Pierre grins: You're not seriously going to suck me off right now, are you?

You nod innocently, as you let your tongue slide up his cock; You open your mouth, softly starting to suck on it. You rest your left hand on his thigh, while your right one joins in on the action - It moves up and down with your mouth.

Not long after you started, he pants. You glance up, amused by his tilted back head, and his tortured, yet oh so satisfied expression.

Your hair gets in the way, and before you can even move it aside yourself, both his hands comb back all your hair, fixating it with his right hand.

Pierre moans: Fuck- That's good-

His moans turn you on even more - So you continue doing what you've been doing up till now, only increasing in speed and in pressure, the way he likes it.

Pierre sighs: Shit- Y/n- I'm about to cum-

You want him to - You've never wanted to suck off a guy before, nor have you ever wanted a guy to cum into your mouth, but Pierre - Oh boy, you want him to do nothing but that.

He throws back his head again, breathlessly panting, as you put more pressure into your suctioning. His grip on your hair tightens, as he starts moaning breathlessly with his hoarse voice - He cums into your mouth, first only a bit, but then more and more. You look him straight in the eyes as you swallow it like a good girl.

Pierre groans: Y/n- Baby- Good God- Come here-

He lets go of your hair, puts away his dick and pulls you up. His thumb runs along the corner of your mouth, to the center of your lip; He wipes away some of his white liquid from your lips. Testingly he holds his thumb with it in front of you - You take it into your mouth, sucking off the last of his jizz.

His lips are magnetically drawn to yours, as he starts kissing you demandingly. He pulls you closer towards him-


You nearly have a heart attack. He jumps up from the bed, closing his belt and his pants, while you pull down your dress again, covering your tanga - You rush past the mirror, only checking if Pierre left anything behind on your face, before you look through the little hole in the door.

y/n whispers: It's him-

His eyes open widely, as he asks you if he should hide. You shake your head, telling him to just go along with your plan. He nods, as you open the door.

Infatuation: Book One of the Infatuation SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now