Memory difficulties

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Consider a caretaker with memory difficulties. Extra bandage changes and extra meals because they can't remember when they assisted their whumpee last. They just don't understand why their whumpee isn't finishing their meals and fighting bandage changes so much. Or! Whumpee is too afraid to ask to be fed so they go two days without a meal because they were used to it from before. And Caretaker doesn't understand why Whumpee's wounds are getting worse. They're changing the bandages everyday like asked! Or.. are they?

Consider a whumpee with memory difficulties. They might think they're being starved because they don't remember they've already been fed twice today, and that they're just hungry for dinner as usual. They might beg or fight bandage changes because they think "I've already been changed today" or "I haven't been changed in two days!"

Consider a whumper with memory difficulties. They might go days without seeing their whumpee because they thought they'd already been in for the day. This could mean that while their whumpee isn't being tortured, they also aren't being fed. Or! It could mean multiple sessions per day, multiple meals per day. Whumper wonders why their whumpee is so worn and not finishing their food. Is their whumpee that weak? Do they need to tone is back a bit?

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