Help refusal

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Cw: mentions of past torture and starvation and cursing

Whumpee is home from their ordeal and is so, so weak. They were deprived of food and water and proper exercise causing them to waste away to near nothing.

When they got home, everyone around them was supportive, except for Whumpee towards themselves.

"I can do it!" "I can keep up!" "I don't need help!"

These were heard frequently before Whumpee crashed.

The last straw came when Whumpee dropped an entire gallon of milk that exploded all over the hall from the way to the car to the kitchen after a grocery outing. Whumpee was scolding Caretaker for helping them when it caused them to topple on top of it before shooting out from all sides out from under Whumpee's frail body. They weren't heavy by any means but heavy enough to crush the milk carton.

"Whumpee! Are you ok?!" "Ugh I'm fine." "Good. Now I won't feel bad for this: you need to learn your pace and let people fucking help you, dude! I'm sick of you running yourself ragged when you're supposed to be healing."

"Wh- bu-" "No. Stop. I'm serious. Let people help you. That's an order from me and everyone else around you. It does not make you weak to recognize your limits and needing to ask for help. It shows strength."

*sigh* "Ok fine." "Good." "Caretaker?" "Yeah?" "Can you help me up, please?" "Of course."

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