Baby pt 8 The playdate

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Cw: restraints, mentions of attempted noncon drugging, mentions of implied death

Whumpee and the other captive looked at each other with different emotions. Whumpee looked at their new "friend" in fear and sadness while Whumpee 2 looked at their new "friend" with relief. They were no longer suffering alone.

Speaking in hushed tones once ZaZa stepped back to the other Whumpers, the whumpees introduced themselves. 'Quietly,' Whumpee 2 warned, 'or NiNi and Ama would punish them and no doubt BiBi and ZaZa as well.'

"How long have you been here for?" Whumpee whispered. "Long enough for your parents to go through two. But the second one didn't last long before they, um." Whumpee 2 stopped and looked down.

"Before they what?"


"Before they what?!" Whumpee shrilled, drawing the attention of the parents.

"Are you two ok over there?" NiNi asked pointedly.

Whumpee 2 shot daggers at Whumpee for gaining the Whumpers' attention before smiling and waving a doll at them.

NiNi got up and entered the play area. They crouched down and said to their Whumpee "if I think anything is fishy, you're going in time out. Ok, pumpkin?" Before roughly patting Whumpee 2's head and rejoining the group.

Whumpee 2 paled at the threat and shot their head down.

Looking around to make sure they were not being listened to, Whumpee asked "what's time out and why is it bad?"

"How do you not know what time out is? Haven't you struggled at all against them?"

"Well, yeah, but they drug me when I do."

"Oh. I get locked in a room with no food for an unknown amount of time until they decide I can be a part of the family again. NiNi and Ama like the natural route of parenthood."

"The natural route of parenthood is starving your child until they're too weak to fight back?"

"Ya I guess."

For the rest of their time, Whumpee quietly asked questions and they both shared what their lives were like before this.

They sat in silence for a few minutes mulling over what their life was now until interrupted by the parents. "Hi little ones! Did you have fun?" Whumpee 2 smiled and nodded but all Whumpee could muster was bringing their eyes to meet their captors before bursting into tears.

"Aww I know you don't want the play date to end, but don't worry, we'll come over again!" BiBi shushed as ZaZa pulled out the eye drops.

Whumpee could not be calmed enough to take the drops and because they were away from home, they had limited options for subduing the baby so looking to NiNi and Ama for help, the more experienced parents brought them a Velcro swaddle to tighten around the newer baby to calm them or at the very least, keep them restrained.

Whumpee was too distraught to try and fight the four pairs of hands that carefully controlled them and wrapped them tight in a blanket that fastened together on the edges so they couldn't escape.

This is it. This is my life. And for the first time, Whumpee truly believed it.

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