Blankets and Basements

192 1 0

Cw: non on drugging, kidnapping

Whumpee knew it was late. Knew it was dark on their path. Knew they were taking a risk by walking home so late at night. But didn't know that regardless of those variables, they were being pursued by someone who knew all of this already.

Whumpee pulled their coat collar up to protect their ears against the wind that sent winter's fury through the streets. Gods it was cold. They hummed whatever pop song that was overplayed at the time to distract themselves from the cold and the spooky street. Unfortunately, their collar and their humming blocked out the quiet crunching of boots in the snow behind them until Whumper was upon them.

A shadow rose over their shoulders and as they gasped, Whumper brought their arms around Whumpee's face, shoving two small pills into their mouth while covering their mouth and nose. "Swallow, Sweetheart, or pass out from lack of air. Either way, I win, so stop fighting."

Tears blurred Whumpee's eyes as they swallowed the bitter, chalky pills. With the pills taking effect, Whumper slowly took their hands away from Whumpee's face, sliding them down to support their weak captive. They half carried/half stumbled their way to their car waiting in the alley. Whumpee started to whimper as they recognized the car that was seen around their neighborhood, at the grocery store, near work, nearly.. everywhere.

"I know you're tired, my love. Shush now. Don't worry, we're going home and you can sleep on the way."

The tears began to slowly spill down Whumpee's cheeks before freezing halfway. Whumper carefully laid Whumpee in the back of the car across the seats before tucking them in tightly. The drugs would do the rest in keeping them in line, but a blanket never hurt anybody in keeping flailing limbs down.

In and out of consciousness, Whumpee could hear the song they were humming being played on the radio. They cried silently as they limply tugged at their fleecey restraint, knowing this would likely be the last time they could be annoyed by the song's repetitive chords. They wriggled as hard as they could before succumbing to the drugs in their system, the last thing they saw being the back of this unknown assailant's head as they hummed along.

Uncomfortable. Scratchy. Cold. Whumpee was trying to parse out where they were as they slowly came to. As their eyes focused, they recognized they were in a cement cellar, laying on a cheap mattress under a navy woolen blanket. Slowly they got an arm underneath themselves, then another, and as they waited for their head to stop spinning, they carefully pushed themselves up to sit. Looking around, the room was plain. Whitewashed cement walls, cement floor, a wooden chair on the other side of the room with some water bottles laying on the seat and a metal door with a window. No light switch, Whumpee noticed as their eyes burned from the comedown migraine of the drugs in the fluorescent lit room.

Whumpee knew that hydrating was the best option to feel better and flush the drugs from their system so standing up, they took one step towards the chair until they felt a weight on their foot. Managing to look down and not topple, they observed a shackle with a chain. Well, there go any plans of escape. Whumpee felt panic stabbing through their chest but pushed it away as they said "water first, panic later."

Trudging across the room, they made it to the other end despite being woozy and the sound of the chain across the cement making them want to scream along with the metal. As they reached for the water, they came up inches short from the chair. Once again, tears pricked Whumpee's eyes as they realized how destitute they really were. At the mercy of another and not knowing when they would return, Whumpee curled back up on their itchy blanket and tried not to cry to retain as much water as possible. Who knows how long this could be?

Sometime later, Whumpee was woken by the metal door swinging open and hitting the wall, causing them to jolt up. Looking up, Whumpee made unsure eye contact with their mysterious captor. Trying to sound brave, they asserted "Where am I?"

Whumper smiled. "Home."

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