A Long Forgotten Past

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Cw: POW torture, chemical damage to brain

The tremors began years after Whumpee was rescued. It started as shaky handwriting and dropping their food before it got to their mouth. Whumpee refused to let Caretaker take them to get checked out until they were nearly unable to feed themselves.

The news was devastating. The chemical weapons used in the torturing process had caused neurological damage. Whumpee and countless others were injured. Whumpee was one of the lucky ones, apparently. Whatever that meant. No one was lucky in this situation. There were the neurologically damaged and the severely neurologically damaged. At this time, Whumpee wouldn't die from it, but they would die with it.

Whumpee was silent throughout the entire information sharing process as Caretaker cried. Whumpee couldn't cry. They were too exhausted. The tremors tired them out. And the flashbacks kept them silent.

The Whumpers still had a grasp on Whumpee from beyond the grave, after the war.

AN: I wrote a poem in honor of the Marines that are and were sick from the toxic water at Camp Lejeune, dying and dead from the chemicals that were not stopped from being dumped into the water supply. This story is loosely based on it. Unfortunately, these people were not tortured at the hands of others to sustain these illnesses, but by the government they were serving.

"Long Forgot"
We were forgot'n
But now we fight
For what is good
For what is right
For all who've fought
This awful plight
Do not forget
We're not alright

We will not go
You cannot force
You had our trust
But were the source
Now we suffer
And follow course
You must repent
For this Trojan Horse

This will be
My last of three
For I am sick
And tired, see?
All I ask
My final plea
Do not forget
We don't die free

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