"I didn't teach you to run away!"

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Cw: gun mention, mcd and implied torture

"You didn't teach me how to remove a bullet either!"

"Well, that was an oversight on my part and I'll rectify it as soon as we get out of here. We need to get out from behind this wall and back to the car. I can't move my right arm without risking more damage from the bullet and I'm pretty busy shielding Whumpee with my left, so you're it for covering us. Can you do this? Or do I need to grow a third arm?"

"Shut up of course I can do this." Whumpee whimpered as their rescuers bickered. These dumbasses were gonna get them ALL killed. Whumpee knew Whumper and his team would have no problem killing Whumpee and finding a new target in the Organization. Whumpee was embarrassed that the Organization had to send in rescuers after them. This was supposed to be an easy in and out mission, solo. Unfortunately, their informant ended up being a rat and Whumpee literally walked directly into a trap.

Having been there for a few months, Whumpee had gotten to know Whumper and was pretty familiar with his values and tricks at this point. Whumpee knew that Whumper's son was somewhere in the crowd of padded security, but which one was he..? There! The one with the golden badge. Whumper was simple in uniforming his Team but everyone knew who Son was and exactly what he (his father) was capable of when crossed.

In between the bickering, Whumpee reached up and easily snatched the extra gun from Younger Teammate's leg holster. "He-" "I know what I'm doing." Whumpee cut them off coldly. Younger Teammate looked at Older Teammate for help, Older Teammate shrugged with their good shoulder. "Let's just get ready to move when Whumpee says, I guess."

"Listen to me very carefully. Knowing Whumper, he's going to send a team led by his son who's an idiot around the other side to flush us out to either be killed or captured. Younger Teammate, I want you to give your ammo to Older Teammate and get the car. Older Teammate and I will hold down both ends of the wall and wait for you.  We can't all make it as one group but you can slip out easily since you're uninjured and healthy." "I'm not leaving you!" "You will if we all want to make it out of this."

Whumpee detected movement out of the corner of their eye. Whumper was sending a small team led by who else but Son who was doing.. the best he could to cover himself. And by that, he was barely covering at all. It was quiet. It was their chance. Younger Teammate had already slipped off into the night, leaving Older Teammate and Whumpee to fend for themselves as they waited. With the small excursion team growing closer, Whumpee saw that Son's padded vest was hanging open (as usual) and took their only chance at survival.

Bang! The shot rang out in the silent night and if it were possible, it grew even more quiet. The men behind Son were stunned. Who could have known they were coming from behind? They frantically checked for a pulse. Nothing. Son was dead. Dear god. What were they going to tell Whumper? The radio crackled "zzch-hat the fuck was that? Who was that? You weren't supposed to shoot, just point your weapons and send them to us you idiots." 2 seconds go by. 2 more. And 2 more. "Zzzzch-ello? Someone better fuckin answer me. Son? What the hell?"

The men radioed back to Whumper. "Whumper, they knew. They knew we were coming. They shot.."

"Who! Who did they shoot!"


Silence. Whumpee and Older Teammate could barely hear but they knew things were about to get bad. Well, worse. The sound of boots stampeded towards the wall. This was it. As if on cue, the Organization-issued bulletproof car zoomed through, mowing down the brush and grass.

The footsteps grew ever so closer as Younger Teammate helped the two others in the car. "Thank god this thing is bulletproof.." Whumpee said nervously as they made their getaway in a hail of bullets. The Organization was going to go through hell until Whumper was dead or the Organization squashed. The only thing Whumper loved more than himself was his son.

Older Teammate broke the awkward silence in the car. "Sooo Whumpee. I'm required to tell you that you'll be needing to see the Organization Therapist once you're released from your return check-up. I know this probably isn't the best time but-"

Suddenly, Whumpee couldn't care less about talking to a therapist. Months of torture were catching up to them and while the car seats in this Organization-issued car weren't the most comfortable, they felt amazing to Whumpee who hadn't known anything but concrete since their capture.

"-ah ya know what? We can go over this later. You look exhausted. Rest up for now, we'll wake you when it's time to get on the plane."

Whumpee was already asleep.

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