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"-control you."

"I control you."

"I control everything about you."

"I control everything"

"I control your temperature."

Whumper purred in Whumpee's ear these repetitions as Whumpee tossed and turned. They woke up screaming, drenched in sweat. Thank gods. Just a dream.

Caretaker opened the door and flicked the lamp on.

"Hey there, are you ok? I heard you shout- oh dear you look awful. Are you feeling ok? Let me feel your forehead."

Caretaker's cool hand was welcomed on Whumpee's hot face. Caretaker's face contorted into a frown as they realized how serious the fever was.

"Whumpee, we need to get this fever down. I'm going to help you to the bathtub, we're going to run a cool bath."

Whumpee tried to focus on Caretaker but things were so hazy that their dull eyes just looked on vaguely in Caretaker's direction. Caretaker scooped their charge up, bridal style, and carried Whumpee to the tub.

"Hrnghh" Whumpee twisted and turned weakly as the water was turned on. Caretaker figured they could leave the pajamas on for now so Whumpee could feel safer in their vulnerable state.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry, but if we can't get this fever down, we have to go to the hospital."

Hot tears streamed down Whumpee's face as they remembered the hospital after being rescued. No autonomy whatsoever. Always being grabbed, pushed, pricked, stuck, being dressed and undressed at the whim of anyone with a stethoscope. They had no say.

"P-please. Not th-that." Whumpee shivered. They were so cold but the water felt good on their hot skin.

"It's ok bud, it's gonna be ok." Caretaker murmured as they wiped away sweat from Whumpee's brow, hoping their words were true.

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