10: New Friend

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^^^***Nerissa concept art included***^^^

Nyx slowly regained consciousness, her mind permeated by a thick haze as she slowly raised her throbbing head. Her hands were cuffed together in her lap, her ankles were also cuffed together. When Nyx was finally able to clear the cobwebs from her mind she realized that she was on a bus. However, the windows on this bus were barred with steel bars. Nyx looked to her left and saw that she was sitting next to a complete stranger, and not Nate.

She lifted her head higher, ignoring the throbbing behind her eyes. She was searching for him, but he wasn't here...her mind was racing and panic was setting in.

"Alright ladies, listen up!" A loud voice boomed from the front of the bus, all the passengers' heads moved towards the loud and large woman now shouting at them. She was holding a rifle.

"You all are here...because you are all freaks, and therefore you have been removed from society, so as to not ruin it." The woman walked slowly down the aisle as she spoke, the girl who was sitting next to Nyx raised her head to look at the woman. When the girl locked eyes with the large woman, she slammed the butt of her rifle into the side of the girl's head. A few gasps came out of the rest of the passengers, Nyx sat there staring at her knees, eyes wide with fear as the girl's blood spurted onto her legs. The silence that filled the bus was deafening, almost as if no one would dare breathe. Except for the girl who was assaulted next to Nyx, she was breathing heavily through her pain.

After a long drive of indeterminate time, the bus turned left and drove down a long dirt road before stopping at a booth on the outside of a huge iron gate. Nyx could hear that the heavy-set man in the booth was talking to the bus driver, but she couldn't make out what they were saying. If only Nate were here, he could easily listen in on the conversation. The bus lurched forward and began slowly driving past the huge gate. Nyx peered out the window and what she saw made her heart sink and her fear kick into overdrive. This was a prison, there was no way of sugar coating it, the huge brick walls were topped with two or three layers of razor wire. At each corner of the huge courtyard there were large towers and Nyx could easily see the snipers patrolling the towers. Nyx's attention was jolted back into the bus when it suddenly stopped.

"Alright ladies, welcome to your new home." The armed guard shouted as she stood from the front seat and turned towards the prisoners. "All of you are going to stand up nice and calmly, exit the bus in a nice, single file line, and proceed to the blue building to be sorted. Keep your mouths shut if it's not an emergency and we will all get along just fine." The guard finished before stepping off of the bus. After a few seconds of people struggling to stand while bound, the prisoners began filing out of the bus. When Nyx finally took her first steps onto the dirt of her new "home", she took a look around while following the line of newcomers. There were other women peppering the yard, a lot of them were watching the newcomers with unyielding eyes, but a few were idly talking to each other not even worried about the new arrivals. When Nyx crossed the threshold of the blue building, she found that she was in a large room with just enough chairs to seat all of the girls. Armed guards lined the walls with rifles ready to neutralize any troublemakers, Nyx gulped. After they all say down, a gruff, middle aged man in a lab coat stood a little straighter and spoke, "Alright ladies, welcome to your new home. We will all take you one at a time and interview you to determine which group you will be sorted into, you will be given your proper garments and will be taken to your living quarters where you will be expected to remain for the rest of the night. Let's start with you in the front there." He said as he pointed to a blond girl in the very far left front seat. Based on where she was sitting, it would be a bit before it was Nyx's turn. She leaned her head back and stared at the ceiling, she was scared. The thoughts racing through her mind only reminded her that there was a significant chance that she would never see her family, or Nate, ever again.

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