40: The Party

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***^^^Oliver concept art included^^^***

Nyx jolted awake by a hard knock on her door. She lumbered out of her bed and staggered over to the door before opening it, it was Nerissa.

"Hey, morning." Nyx greeted her with a small smile, Nerissa returned the gesture with a small giggle.

"It's two in the afternoon." Nerissa said as she walked into Nyx's room without being invited, that was normal for them.

"Okay, then good afternoon, whatever." Nyx said passively, still kind of grumpy from being woken up so suddenly. She closed her door and turned around just as Nerissa was sitting down on Nyx's black satin sheets. Nyx sat down next to her with her body turned to face her. "So, what brings you by?"

"I don't know if anyone told you yet, but I'm gunna be Sanctuary's second doctor!" Nerissa said with a smile.

"A doctor?" Nyx responded in a sleepy yet happy tone.

"Yeah, your mom said that the one girl who has a healing ability is really swamped, so she asked me to give her a hand because of my ability. So, I might not be able to go out for missions very much." Nerissa shrugged, clearly not too upset that she can't fight people.

"Consider yourself lucky, my mom put me in S-Class. I'll probably be thrown into pretty hard missions, I gotta do what Oliver suggested and work on my energy consumption." Nyx trailed off as she looked off in thought.

"Isn't Oliver that jerk who wanted to fight you?" Nerissa asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that's him. Speaking of, when I went back to my room yesterday, when you all went to get food, he stopped me in the hallway. Well, actually it seemed like he was waiting for me. He apologized then invited all of us to a party that's going on tonight in the woods next to campus." Nyx said as she ran her hand through her hair to get it out of her face.

"I don't know if I trust him yet, he seems like a real asshole, but a party might not be so bad. Just because he invited us doesn't mean we have to see him." Nerissa sounded hopeful, Nyx agreed that they definitely needed something that felt normal again. What could possibly happen during a party filled with super powered young adults?

"I don't even know if there's gunna be booze or not. Honestly, I don't think that I would drink anyway...the last time I got drunk didn't end well..." Nyx looked down in embarrassment, she didn't want another situation like that to happen again.

"Yeah...." Nerissa paused before continuing. "Have you talked to the others about it yet?" Nerissa suddenly joked like she remembered something. "Oh! That's right, here." Nerissa reached into her back pocket and pulled out a smartphone, it had a case on it that had an artsy image of a black hole. "Your mom gave this to me when she introduced me to the other healer, it's for you. It's already got all of our numbers programmed into it, as well as your mom's and the healer's number, her name is Mia." Nerissa handed Nyx the phone.

Nyx chuckled as she took the phone. "No, I haven't talked to the others yet, did they get phones yet?"

"I think so. Try texting someone." Nerissa suggested as she motioned to Nyx's new phone. She pressed the lock button and slid her thumb across the screen to unlock it. She texted Nate.

Nyx: hey, did you get your phone yet?

Nyx locked the phone and waited for his response. She turned to Nerissa and hesitated before she could ask the question.

"Hey, Neri. You think you'll flirt with anyone tonight?" Nyx asked with a sly tone. Nerissa looked at her with some surprise.

"Oh jeez, I don't know. I haven't really met many of the people here yet. Besides, I think I might have a thing for Rhys." Nerissa looked embarrassed, but also knew she could tell Nyx anything.

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