49: Nyctophobia 3: Ultimatum

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"You haven't seen anything yet." Damien said with a manic grin as he looked at Oliver. Suddenly, Danny and Oliver heard Nate's voice in their heads. Wait for my signal.

"Tell me: how do you value a human life?" Damien asked as he continued to hold the barrel of his gun against Nyx's temple. The group stared at him in silence, refusing to play his sick little game. "Going once." Damien said before he used his thumb to pull back the hammer of the gun, causing Nyx to flinch. "Going twice..."

"A human life...." Danny spoke calmly, but the hint of desperation was hard to miss. "Cannot be measured by ideals or simple words. A life can only be measured individually, by those who would preserve it, or take it away."

That's good, Danny. Keep him talking.

Damien nodded slightly, "A very selfish answer I must admit. You mean to say that you would fight so hard for this girl. But a life like mine isn't safe from you, you deem me unworthy." Danny tensed. "Your ideology isn't very different from mine."

"He is nothing like you." Oliver stared sternly as his fists clenched. Suddenly, Damien sent shadow tendril towards him, too fast for him to react with a barrier, and held him up slightly by his throat. Nate and Danny flinched with wide eyes.

"Mind your own business." Damien growled at Oliver as he grunted and choked slightly. Damien used two other shadow tendrils to hold down Oliver's arms. Damien turned his head back to Danny with a calm look. "As I was saying, I wish to present to you an opportunity to put your ideology to the test. So I have a simple question: Would you rather me shoot this woman named Nyx Valentino? Or..." Damien paused as he took the gun away from Nyx's head. "Would you rather me shoot you?" Damien finished as he pointed the gun at Danny.

Danny gritted in teeth in shock as his mind started racing. "W-What?" Danny choked out quietly. Nate looked at Danny with intense worry as Damien spoke again.

"You...or her?" Damien reiterated his question as he pointed the gun at Nyx's head again. Nyx whimpered slightly in fear as she closed her eyes. Danny's hands began trembling as the next half a second felt like an eternity.

"How about you, cabrón?" Danny and Damien both looked at Nate when he spoke suddenly. However, Nate was looking at Damien, his eyes flashed red and Damien's eyes flashed red to match.

 However, Nate was looking at Damien, his eyes flashed red and Damien's eyes flashed red to match

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"Damien...I am sick of your games, and you have endangered my loved ones lives for the last time. Now...throw down the gun." Nate spoke with an empty tone, but everyone in the room could sense the pure hatred lacing his words. Damien tossed the gun to the side and away from him, Danny took his chance and ran to Nyx to untie her. When he was about halfway in between Nyx and Nate, he was halted by a familiar voice that rocked him to his core.

"That's enough, mijo." Nate gasped softly as he watched his father fall from the ceiling and land next to Damien. Gabriel's eyes immediately flashed red as he locked eyes with Nate and he immediately took control of his son. Danny was frozen in initial panic before the bone chilling noise of a gun cocking behind him caused him to slowly turn around. He saw Nate pointing his handgun directly at him, his eyes were still red. But this time Nate was not in control.

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