Chapter fifteen: Princess

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Y/n pov

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Y/n pov

I sniffled clutching my stomach while this Mingyu guy drives the car, "Are you okay?" He asks me, I turn my neck towards him, If he wasn't this much handsome I would have smacked his face with something hard.

I pass him a nod and stare out of the window, the blisters In my stomach are making my situation more worst I don't want to pop them else It will leave a mark.

And Eomma have blasted my phone with the messages I know they have cried the whole night when I wasn't home, I sigh but at least I'm going back home to them now.

My stomach Isn't that hurt and I can move around, the coffee was hot, but by this Mingyu's quick action I'm alright now.

He stops the car when we reach In front of our house, he opens the car door and steps out helping me to get out of the car, "I'm fine" I say and walk by myself.

I ring the doorbell waiting for someone to open the door, I turn around and almost scream at how zoom this Mingyu Is.

"W-What are you doing standing so zoom?" I ask him, "I wanna apologize to your parents for doing this to you UNINTENTIONALLY!" He replies, I sigh and was about to refuse when the door burst opens and I hear Eomma's voice.

"WHO IS THIS YOUNG FULL OF MANNERS MAN!?!" She yells and slightly pushes me away staring at Mingyu standing at the doorstep, he bows In front of her deeply.

"Hello, I'm Kim Mingyu...and I'm sincerely sorry for doing this to your daughter" He says, Eomma frowns and looks at me, "WHAT YOU HAVE DONE WITH HIM HUH!???" She shouts grabbing me by my ear, I hiss.

She suddenly gasps loudly, "DID YOU TWO HAD SE--" I palm her mouth Immediately, "Actually aunty I've accidentally bumped Into her and some hot coffee poured on her stomach I truly apologize but It was unintentional" He explains.

I sigh In relief letting go of her mouth, her face twists In concern as she Immediately tries to raise my shirt up, I slap her hand away, "How did you got hurt Is It burning now? Did It turned Into a wound? Are you alright? Why didn't you tell me when I called you!?!" She attacks me with questions.

She cups my cheeks making me pout, her eyes filling up with the tears, "I told you to not go out but you are mannerless come In don't stay outside" She says and helps me to walk In even when I can walk myself.

"Okay then I'll get going" Mingyu says bowing In front of her, "No...come In have some tea" She replies turning around to him, "I'm alright I have some work and I again apologize.. call me If you wanna sue me for the damage or anything else this Is my business card" He replies handing her his card.

"You should at least have some tea I've made It with manners" Eomma says, he smiles at her, "Maybe next time I'll get going now bye" He waved goodbye at her and gets Into his car driving away.

She stared at his car, "How did you find this handsome?" She asks and glances down at me I fake hiss, "Are you alright?" She asks helping me to walk In.

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