Chapter sixty: Prison

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Taehyung POV

I sit down on the chair across the cops sitting in front of me.

"Why are you here?" The cop asks me, "To buy some coffee, " I reply, "ANSWER CORRECTLY YOU SCUMBAG!" The cop yelled at me, throwing the files in front of me.

"Why are you here from Spain?" The other cop who stood all the time asks, "Deja de hacer la misma pregunta una y otra vez, idiota."

'Stop asking the same question again and again ass hole' I reply, annoyed by them.

"If you wanted to buy some coffee, you could leave to Turkey, not Korea." The cop says, "Oh why didn't I think about that earlier?" I say, raising my eyebrows at them.

"Why do you keep on kidnapping that gir?" The cops question, I bite down on my lower as I lower my head, too.

That girl.

"Hey! Don't act like a creep and answer, " The cop says, I look up at them, "Why did you kidnap Shin Y/n twice?" The cop asks.

"Ask her she made me do this," I reply, "You are surely something," The cop mumbles, staring at me, "I'm more than you think." I mumble to him.

"Tell why are you here? To get your money? To get something? Or for that girl?" The cop question, "I guess the last one looks good for me, " I reply.

"What you want to do with that girl?" He asks, leaning forward to me, "Everything" I reply.

Both of them facepalm.

"YOU ARE KIM DIAZ TAEHYUNG AND YOU CAME HERE FROM SPAIN DO YOU ACCEPT IT?" The cop yelled. I groan annoyed by his yell, "Don't yell, I'm sitting right next to you, " I reply.

"You accept that you, the Mafia?" The other cop asks, I lean back on the chair, "Obviously...I'm the Mafia, " I reply, both of them spare glances to each other.

"We have never seen a criminal accept his crime this early" One of them says In disbelief, "If you would ask nicely all of them will accept" I reply, "Why do you have Diaz In between your name?" The cop asks, I look at him.

The other cop smack his arm, "Shut up" He says to him, "You accepted you are the suffer In prsion" The cop whispers to me leaning forward towards me on the table.

"The only one going to suffer..Is you" I replied, looking up at him. He stared at me before both of them left the room, and I smirked, glancing down at my hands.

Two of the other cop steps In, "Don't touch me I'm standing" I say to them standing on my own and they grab me by my shoulder dragging me out of the room..opening up the door of the holding cell for me they unlock the handcuffs.

I walk in, watching them shutting the door behind me, "You said not to buy candy? And now you are acting. " I turn to look when I hear Beomgyu's voice.

There, I see her standing with Beomgyu, and both of them have lollipops in their hands.

Beomgyu clears his throat. In front of the cop, the cop looks at him, "Where is Kim Taehyung?" He asks, "Are you related to him?" The cop asked him.

"No-NO, we don't know him. we just heard he is a very dangerous man, so we decided to meet him and teach him some good manners," Beomgyu replies to the cop.

The cop shows him the direction, and they both turn over to me, I make eye contact with her, and they walk towards me slowly.

I look at Beomgyu standing, "Even in this situation, you look so hot," Beomgyu says to me, I keep on glaring at him.

"Sabes bien que esto no sirve de nada."You know this is no of use," I say to him. He gulps, "Por eso hemos decidido pedir disculpas." "That's why we have decided to apologise, " Beomgyu replies.

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