Chapter 10: Forbidden Love

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Encre cried into Fallacy's shirt as he held onto her tightly with his wings surrounding her."Shhh... Its OK. Your safe now. The vampires' gone now." He said soothingly and soon Encre had stopped crying. Sauve entered the garden with a worried look on his face. "Sir Fallacy! Ms Encre! Are you alright? I heard screaming and a giant crash."
"It was Charlos. He thought that Encre was an intruder so he attacked her and tried to take her blood. But he's gone now and I taught him a lesson." Fallacy pointed to the broken wall.
"Can you take Encre to her room to calm down? She had quite a shock." Sauve nodded and soon led Encre away and into the castle. Fallacy sighed and soon saw the painting that Encre had been working on. He smiled as he picked it up, it was a painting of the cherry blossom tree that grew in the garden.
"Heh... She really is a true piece of art herself..." Fallacy soon went back into the castle and past Encre's room. He peeked in and saw her asleep in her bed. Fallacy silently placed the painting and her paints in her room, he was about to leave when he saw a tears fall down her cheeks as she slept. He smiled and walked over to her, whiping the tears off her face. He kissed her forehead, seeing her smile in response as she slept.
Quietly he left the room and closed the door.  Fallacy stood in front if the door smiling, yet thought of her future.
No. I don't deserve her... She deserves someone better. He thought to himself, he turned to leave when he saw a maid in front of him." Oh. Gazelle! How are you?" He asked as the maid bowed.
"I'm fine your Majesty. May I ask you something?" Fallacy nodded in response. "Who exactly is this 'new guest'?"
"Her name is Encre. She is a mortal and an amazing artist. She lives here now." Gazelle smiled at this. "You like her! Dont you~" Fallacy immediately blushed. "M-maybe." Fallacy stuttered.
"But, your Highness. If you don't mind me saying. Its forbidden for a Vampire to fall in love with a mortal..." Gazelle quickly wanted to take back what she had just said. Fallacy glared at her.
Gazelle quickly shrieked and walked off with a pace.
Fallacy sighed. 'Its true... It is forbidden. But I love Encre so much.
No! I'm the King of Vampire! I can do what I want! If I love Encre then that's what I'm going to do!' He thought to himself.
Fallacy was full of Determination.

The Vampire and The Artist- How It All Began: Book 1 (Vampverse)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora