Chapter 33: A Hearts Warming Eve...

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Encre's P.O.V

My eye lids fluttered open slowly with the feeling of sleepiness dragging away from me as I gave a giant yawn. For some time I was staring at the same ancient celing of my room, my gaze moved around the room, I was comforted of the feeling of great safety in the giant castle. Eventually I sat up and stretched, hearing the obvious clicks of my bones which echoed around the room. I was able to get out of the warm blankets of my bed with not much of a struggle, well actually... I fell out. I walked over to the windows, drawing the red curtains away from them the light soon hit my eyes. With a gasp I looked at the view of my window. What I saw was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, it was likea giant piece of art... Outside the heavy winter snow was falling from the skies grey clouds above, layering ontop of each other around the land. The Forbidden Forest no longer looked like a horrifying death scene, now it looked like a mystical forest that would have been from a fantasy story like Narnia. In the horizon I could see the small village of Underville, lit by magic, it looked cosy, safe and... for once, happy looking...

After a long look I drew the curtains over the windows making the room darker and only lit by a small fireplace. I headed to my wardrobe, taking out a small white dress I took got dressed into it before heading out of my room and closing the door behind me, headed down the labrinth-like hallways of Fallacy's castle. Looking around I saw the same red carpets that covered the floor beneath me, the same old red curtains and candle holders that held the light source of every room in the castle. Suddenly I heard running footsteps behind me, instinctively I turned around to see Fallacy who was running towards me with a face full of excitement and happiness. "Oh! Good morning Fa-" I was interuppted by Fallacy who had picked me up bridal style making me squeak in surprise. He kissed me on my right cheek before he looked into my eyes and started to make a small laugh. "Oh Encre! I have surprise for you, one that you will love!" I looked at him with a curious look. "What kind of surprise? What is it?" I asked with a smile of both excitement and curiosity. "I'll show you." Before I could reply to Fallacy he teleported us both to the door of the main hall in the castle. Fallacy put me down so I could enter the hall myself, with some force I pushed the door open and went in only to be hit be a nice feeling of warmth and the smell of pine. I looked around the hall with widened eyes of awe, the hall was decorated with the best of decorations. The place was lit by the giant fireplace and chandeliers with lit candles on them, soon my gaze moved to the left side of the hall. I gasped in amazement and wonder when I saw the giant decorated shape of a christmas tree. It had been decorated with balls of expensive gemstones as well as glowing lights that floated around the tree in a swirl. I turned back to Fallacy who was smiling, happily I ran up to him and tightly wrapped my arms around him in a hug. "Oh thank Fallacy! I've never been able to celelbrate Christmas with loved ones!" Tears had formed in the corners of my eyes as Fallacy hugged me back. I pulled back from him and wiped my tears away. "I need to get everyone gifts!!! But... I dont know what..." I thought for a moment before an idea popped into my mind. 'I know! I can make a giant painting for them to share!' "I need to go and make gifts for yoy all! Thank you Fallacy!" Quickly I ran out of the main hall, up the stairs and down the hallways until I reached my art room where I closed the doors and immediately got to work. I had a particular image in my mind and that was what I was going to go for...

Several hours had passed and the painting was nearly done, I looked out of the windows. 'One more hour until the moon comes up and Fallacy will be expecting me at the hall...' I thought as I looked back at my painting which had begun to dry. My hands were killing me from the fact of holding several different paintbrushes of different sizes for hours at times. My eyes started to droop and I couldn't help but let out a giant yawn. ' Maybe... I'll take just a small nap...' In only a few seconds I was already in deep sleep on the floor next to the painting.

The Vampire and The Artist- How It All Began: Book 1 (Vampverse)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin