Chapter 27: A fun game

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I watched Encre for a while before I sighed and teleported next to her, picking her up in my arms she cried into my shirt. "Sh... Encre. Its ok..."I tried to reassure her as she looked up at me in the eyes. I loved her eyes, one was a star that always shined and the other was a pupil which was beautiful ocean blue. I smiled at her softly, wiping her tears away she smiled at me before hugging me making me blush yellow. "Encre? I heard your playing... its beautiful."Encre looked at me softly before jumping out of my grasp. "Hmmmm. Can we play a game? I'm a little bored at the moment." I nodded. "Hmm... Hide and Seek IT? We can get Sauve and Jasper to play if you want?" Encre nodded and she ran out of the room, soon coming back with Sauve and Jasper.

Jasper was excited to play, he hadn't played properly in a long time since Fallacy was strict and saddened all the time. "Oh! Father? We could play it in the main garden!!" I nodded and teleported us at the entrance of the garden. "I'll count, you hide." All of them ran off, Sauve and Jasper ran to the left while Encre ran to the right. I soon finished counting to 50, running around the garden to the left I looked around for my son and his butler. Using my 'vampire hearing' I heard a soft laughing and soon walked towards it. It stopped as soon as I started to approach them. I could obviously smell Sauve and Jasper. Suddenly Jasper jumped out of a bush and started to run as fast as he could away, when I wasn't looking Sauve had also run off. I chased Jasper, casually dodging bushes and trees I was able to touch him. He stopped and complained. "No! You got me!!" I laughed from his silly complaining. "Come on Jasper. Lets go find Sauve and Encre? OK?" Jasper nodded before running of to find Sauve. I walked towards the other direction trying to find the scent of Encre. A very faint smell of her was carried through the wind, I smiled before running towards it. It came from the back of some oak trees. "Encre? I know your there. I can smell you." I soon heard a soft laughter and Encre peeked out of her hiding spot. "I found you Encre!" I shouted and she laughed. "But you have to catch me first!" Encre ran out of her hiding spot with quick speed, I quickly chased after her. She was enjoying herself as she dodged rose bushes and trees, I smiled as I neared her. Suddenly she tripped and was about to fall, she grabbed onto me making me fall as well. With a giant splash we both fell into a pond, Encre laughed in happiness and so did I. Sauve and Jasper soon arrived, Sauve looked quite worried. "M-My Lord! Are you ok?" He asked with worry in his voice. I smiled before getting up, picking up Encre in my arms as well. "Its ok Sauve. I'm ok." I said, Sauve sighed in relief. I suddenly felt Encre shivering and shaking in my grasp, I looked down at her and saw her burring herself into me. I started to get worried for her, I placed one of my hands on her cheek and looked at Sauve. "Um... Sauve? Encre's freezing! We should probably get her something to eat and then put her to bed." Sauve nodded and led Fallacy to Encre's room, where I laid her down onto the blankets. Fibi entered with a bowl of soup, passing it over to me, soon I ordered them to leave.

I sat down next to Encre who had sat up and was staring at me. "Encre you need to eat this... Your freezing. It'll warm you up." Encre shook her head. "N-No. I'm absolutely f-fine! I'm just tired, thats all..." I sighed and hugged her. "You sure? I don't like seeing you like this..."Encre just nodded before getting into her bed immediately she fell asleep, I softly kissed her head before leaving the room. I sighed as I closed the door and I felt a blush on my face. Encre looked so cute... I couldn't stop thinking about her, but I didn't mind...

The image of her eyes came into my mind and a strange feeling or memory hit me. I had seen them before even before I took her...

'Did I know her, b-before I took her!?'


Sorry Guys for no writing in a long time! I had so many exams!!!!!!!!!!


im so happy though! I have 57 followers! Thanks guys!

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