Chapter 26: Piano Girl

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I  woke up with a painful stomach... I felt like puking but i luckily didn't. I got changed and soon left my room, walking down the hallways I came across an open door. Looking inside I realized that it was the main hall and in the middle was a piano. When i was younger i used to play the piano but for some reason... I stopped. No one was around so i went in and closed the door behind me. The piano was very clean as I trailed my fingers on its antique keys, sitting down at the stool I pressed random notes before remembering a piece of music. Pressing a chord i was soon able to find the right keys to start and soon... I was playing happily.

Soon after finishing I stared at my hands for a bit. Memories ran through me, one hit me. It was my brother... dying in front of me... With a vampire on top of him... Tears flowed out from my eyes and I started to cry. I kept thinking of my family and how I had never met them properly, i slid off the stool and wept as I sat on the floor.

Fallacy's P.O.V

I sat in my room thinking for a bit before Jasper barged in... WITHOUT KNOCKING!!?? He seemed amazingly excited and before I could ask him why he was pulling me down hallways until we were at a door. He peeked in through the door and so did I, I gasped to see Encre beautifully playing the piano on her own. She moved along to the tune swiftly making me blush a little. Jasper had gone before but had teleported back with Sauve who also listened to the soft music. Soon after she finished they both left, leaving me there watching her. Suddenly she burst into tears for some reason and she held onto her head as if she was having a bad memory... That gave me an idea and I read her mind. I saw that she was having a memory, and I realised I was standing next to Encre, who was a child. I looked down to see her dead brother I gasped in shock. Before I knew it, it was over. I looked back at my love.

My poor Encre...

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