Chapter 15: The dream...

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The maids and Suave rushed around the hall way as they tried to help Encre who was unconscious in bed. Soon Sauve went to Fallacy who was crying. "Ma' Lord? Encre is doing fine. She's sleeping at the moment and healing." Fallacy nodded and made his way to Encre's room. He sat down next to his sleeping love.
Once he saw the wound he started to cry even more. He didn't even want her blood, even though the smell of it wafted around the room.
"I-Im so sorry Encre... I should have been the one to get hurt... Not y-you..." He kissed Encre's forehead as she slept and he left.

Encre's P.O.V

Where am I? What happened? I looked around to see I was in a dream. But it was a white void. Soon I remembered what had happened.
I had risked my life to save my love. I looked at my wound that was covered in bandages, it hurt a lot... Suddenly I heard the noise of foot steps and looked in front of me. I gasped.
There was a woman wearing a white silky dress walking towards me. I couldn't however see her face yet I saw her smile.
Soon she was in front of me. Her eyes and the top of her face was covered in ocean blue flowers.
"Who are you?" I asked politely. She smiled even more and suddenly pulled me into a hug. I didn't expect that. Soon she let go of me and laughed softly.
"Hello. My name is Calamimi! It's very nice to finally meet you after all this time." I looked at her with a confused look.
"What do you mean after ' all this time'?"
"For someone to finally win Fallacy's heart..." I flinched and finally realised something.
"W-wait. Were you... J-asper's mother?" I stuttered for some reason.
She nodded and smiled.
"I'm happy that Fallacy has met someone like you. And I'm happy that he's happy." She turned away.
"When I died from an illness Fallacy's heart cracked into two... But when you came it was healed. I thank you for that.
Please." She turned back to me as I listened.
"Please look after Fallacy... For me?" I smiled and nodded a 'yes'.
I watched as she walked away into the distance, her silky dress trailing behind her. Everything around me started to blur.
I looked at the lady as she waved and smiled. 'Goodbye...'
Soon everything went black.

I suddenly opened my eyes gasping for air as I sat up. I panted while maids and Mr Suave rushed into the room.
"Oh! Miss Encre? Are you alright? You were unconscious and didn't wake up for three days!?" Said Fibi as I stared at her in awe.
"Wow. Three days?" They all nodded and I smiled. "Well... I'm OK now." I tried getting out of bed and instantly fell off. I winced in pain as I hit the floor. "Owowowowowowowowowwwwww!?!" I shrieked. Sauve lifted me up and onto the bed.
I laughed nervously. And the other maids smiled. Soon they left, leaving me with Sauve in my room.
"M' lady. I think you should rest more. You have an awful wound." I soon looked at the bandages that were rapped around my ribs and sighed.
"OK. Fine... But can I sketch while I heal?" Sauve nodded and handed me my sketch book. He left the room as I drew.
Soon I had finished. It was a sketch of the woman I saw in my dream. She was wearing the white dress and had ocean blue flowers covering her eyes.
I sighed as I stared at the ceiling. Soon putting away the sketch book in the drawers next to me. I heard a knock on the door.
'"Come in." My voice was a little shaky from the pain.
Fallacy entered my room and sat next to me. He was crying black tears. I hugged him, trying to reassure him. "My love what wrong?" I asked. "I'm so sorry Encre!? I let you get hurt! I should be the one with the wound..." He held me tighter. I winced from the pain. Fallacy let me go and smiled, whipeing his tears away. "Well. I'm fine! Look at me. I'm happy as ever." I said to cheer him up. He smiled at me and soon left the room.
I soon fell into a dreamless sleep.
I wondered about the woman in my dreams. Called Calamimi.

OK guys. The song at the top. You can hear it now.
Its about Flower Fell. If you don't know about it then I'll warn ya. FlowerFell is a sad tale and is quite emotional.
I cried the first time I heard this song cause I know the story of that AU version.
Anyway! Have a nice day!! Whhoo!

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